perry 2.0

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A few days had passed since the Davenports found out about Maeve, and it was honestly a whirlwind. Donald built a new capsule for Maeve to sleep right alongside Adam, Bree, and Chase. She could tell Donald was beginning to warm up to her, as were Adam and Tasha. While it made her happy to see them starting to like her, Maeve missed Bree.

Bree and Leo were still quite on edge around her. Leo continued his suspicious act from when they first met. Maeve had grown used to his antics and was beginning to find joy in them. Bree, however, was a different story. Bree did not talk to Maeve, and when she did, it was extremely cold and short.

And the worst part was that Maeve knew there was nothing she could do about it. It was her fault, after all. Maeve pretended to be Bree's friend. Maeve kidnapped them. Maeve ruined everything. It was all her. And while Chase assured her that Bree would come around, Maeve wasn't so sure.

She tried to focus on other things. She was able to go back to school, which added some much-needed routine to her days. On this particular school day, Maeve walked through the foyer of the school with Chase and Leo.

"And then he said I wasn't allowed to go to the bathroom because it would interrupt his class!" Leo complained. "I swear, Mr. Brown is getting more snappy each day."

"Maybe it's because you do interrupt his class," Maeve said. Chase laughed.

Maeve continued, smiling. "Nah, I'm kidding. I'm sorry, Leo."

Leo rolled his eyes with a hint of playfulness. "Why do you care?"

"Leo, stop with the act," Chase scoffed, teasing.

"Nah, he's justified," Maeve told Chase.

"Morning, germ sacks!" a voice said into a microphone. It was none other than the wonderful Principal Perry. "I know that you've all been complaining that the technology around here isn't quite-" Perry paused as the microphone glitched. She hit it against her hand, causing loud, high-pitched feedback throughout the room. The students groaned and covered their ears. Chase winced, shutting his eyes tightly, his hands flying up to protect his ears.

Perry chuckled as the feedback stopped. "...state of the art," she continued. "So, thanks to yours truly, we're getting cutting-edge equipment for the whole school to enjoy! Jojo, Betty! Let's go, ladies! Wheel it like it's hot!"

At Perry's call, two lunch ladies wheeled in something large covered with a blue sheet.

Perry gestured to the object. "Behold, Mission Creek High's brand new media center!" One of the lunch ladies tugged the sheet off, revealing a dusty, small, vintage-looking television. The students scoffed.

"I don't think you can call it technology if you have to change the channel with pliers," said Leo.

"Why do I smell formaldehyde?" asked Chase.

"Cause I found it on a curb outside the morgue," Perry answered. Maeve's jaw dropped as she exchanged glances with Chase.

Perry continued. "I'm getting all my Christmas presents there, too. Aunt Dottie's getting sheets!"

Chase rolled his eyes. "How is this thing new?!"

"New to you, lady-face," Perry replied. Chase stepped back, confused.

"Okay, let's fire up the media center!" Perry grabbed a remote and clicked a button. The TV turned on for a split second before sparking and shutting off, taking out all of the school's power with it. The students stood in the dark, watching smoke rise from the ancient TV.

"Okay, okay," said Perry, "Minor setback. For the record, you all look much better in this light."


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