'twas the mission before christmas

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On Christmas Eve, the family hung out in the living room. Adam was in the kitchen, Donald was decorating the tree, and Tasha was going through boxes. Leo and Maeve sat on the couch.

"Okay, what about this one?" Maeve generated ice in the shape of a rose.

"Hmm," said Leo, examining it. "7/10. Good, but a little basic."

"Hey, I'd like to see you try."

"Maevey, I'm the judge here! The judge doesn't do; he judges."

Maeve rolled her eyes.

"Donald, I just noticed the holiday card we mailed out," Tasha said. "What happened to the family portrait we took to celebrate our first Christmas together?"

Donald grabbed the card and laughed. "Oh, I shredded those. These are way more festive." The card featured Santa and two reindeer, all with Donald's face plastered over them, big text spelling "Happy Davendays!" at the bottom.

"Who wants a Christmas cookie?" Adam called, holding out a tray of uncooked cookies.

"Adam, those aren't even cooked," Leo said.

"Oh, no problem!" Adam used his heat vision, lighting the cookies on fire. "Careful, they may be hot!" He blew out the flames. Leo waved smoke away.

Bree came into the house. "Okay, who covered the entire house in blinking lights? People already think we're weird, we don't need to shine a light on it."

"No, I did that," Adam explained. "I want to make sure Santa Claus comes to our house first."

Bree rolled her eyes. "Adam, we all love Christmas, but I think you're going a little overboard."

Maeve and Leo nodded.

A loud banging noise sounded from outside the house. Chase hopped through the front door, tied up in a string of blinking Christmas lights.

Bree laughed. "That, however, is spot on."

Maeve laughed a little and went to help untie Chase.

"Hey, get back up on the roof! You're ruining my display!" Adam exclaimed.

"You were lucky a raccoon chewed me free!" Chase said, angry.

Donald's phone blared. "That's an urgent mission alert. We have to get to the lab."

The group made their way downstairs as Donald read through the alert. "The alert is coming from Facility X, my research center in the frozen tundra."

"Hey, hey! I'm the mission specialist. I'll handle this!" Leo turned to his siblings. "The alert is coming from Facility X, his research center in the frozen tundra.

Maeve gasped excitedly. "I love the tundra!"

"Wait, the tundra's near the North Pole," Adam said. "Santa needs our help! You wrap, you tape, I'll go hang with the elves!"

Chase and Bree rolled their eyes as Donald worked on the computer.

"Dr. Evans, are you there?" He said.

A monitor displayed a glitchy video call with a disgruntled scientist. "Yeah, I'm here! Although there's been a major volcanic eruption nearby and we're experiencing aftershocks. I'm afraid if we don't act fast-"

A rumbling noise came from the background of the call and the screen shook violently before cutting out.

"Oh, Merry Christmas to you, too, Dr. Evans," Adam said sarcastically. "Rude."

Maeve nodded.

"Sorry, guys," Donald frowned. "I know the timing's not ideal."

"It's okay, Mr. Davenport. We know what we have to do," Chase relied.

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