my little brother

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Maeve sat at the table in the lab, thinking. Chase stood across the table, reading a book.

"Maeve, look at this," Chase smiled, showing her the book. "This is the jaw of a bowmouth guitarfish!"

Maeve's eyes glossed over the image in the book. "Nice," she said flatly.

Chase paused, setting the book down. "What's up?" He asked, moving to sit next to her.

Maeve looked at him. "What do you mean?"

"Maeve, I can tell something's wrong. What is it?" His eyes were soft. He looked so caring in that moment, like Maeve could tell him anything and everything.

She sighed. "I don't know if I'll ever be friends with Bree again. I know it's my fault. I just wish... I wish I could go back to the way everything was before."

"When your dad was putting you on missions every day?" Chase questioned.

Maeve smiled a little. "You know what I mean."

"I'm sorry, Maeve. I'll talk to her."

"No, Chase, please. It's fine. Don't say anything, please."

Chase looked at her for a moment before nodding. "I do think she'll come around, though."

"I really don't know."

"You think I was thrilled when you first asked to stay here?"

"...I guess. But I also know that... even if she does forgive me, there will always be a part of her - of everyone - that doesn't trust me," Maeve frowned. "And I don't blame them. It just sucks."

Chase's eyebrows furrowed in sympathy. "You know," he said, "The people who really care about you will understand why you did what you did. And I really think it'll all work out, in the end."

Maeve and Chase looked at one another for a moment. Something about being in his presence made her feel better, or less alone.

At that moment, Adam walked into the lab, holding his shoe.

"Ugh, smells like something died in here," he grimaced, staring at his shoe. "Woah! Something did die in here! Chase, look at this!"

Chase backed away in disgust. "No."

Adam frowned. "Well, at least tell me if this is fur or mold," he said, shoving his shoe in Chase's face.

"No!" Chase repeated.

Adam sighed. As he went to put his shoe back on, his foot broke straight through the front.

"Adam, I think there's a rip in your shoe," Maeve said.

"Adam, what did you do?" Chase glared.

"I guess I don't know my own strength," Adam shrugged. "The same thing happened yesterday with my underwear. Ooh, that reminds me - I got you a new headband for gym class!" Adam pulled a torn pair of underwear from his pocket and placed it on Chase's head, who frantically ripped it off.

Chase walked over to the cyberdesk. "Man, Mr. Davenport warned us about this. As we get older, our chips have to be recalibrated to adjust for our growth."

Adam laughed. "Oh, well, then yours will never have to be adjusted. Cause your body doesn't grow, get it?"

Maeve lightly hit Adam in the chest.

"I'm saying you're small," Adam continued.

"I get it!" Interrupted Chase, exasperated. "When Mr. Davenport gets back, he can recalibrate your super strength. Toss me my backpack."

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