speed trapped

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"Look, it doesn't matter whose fault it was," Mr. Davenport said through the spycam. "Even though someone was supposed to be watching them," he pointed at Leo.

"Well, technically, someone pulled Leo away, letting Maeve and Marcus roam free," Leo responded, pointing back.

"Guys, I think you're talking about each other," Adam said.

Mr. Davenport rolled his eyes. "Bottom line, I am keeping a tighter leash on you three. And Leo, because I can't always be there, you have to step it up and do a better job of watching out for them."

"No problem, Big D," Leo said. "I may have let two goons get too close, but I won't let anyone else slip through the cracks. From now on, you can call me The Enforcer!"

Marcus looked away from the iPad. "Leo's the Enforcer?" He laughed. "Capturing Adam, Bree, and Chase is gonna be easier than we thought."

"Dude, what are you talking about? This is bad. Even if it's just Leo. They won't hang out with us anymore," Maeve said.

"Come on. Do you really think Adam, Bree, and Chase will let themselves be governed by Leo? We've got this in the bag." Marcus rolled his eyes.

Maeve's father glared. "Leo's still around? You two need to get that brat out of the way. Now."

"We're working on it," Maeve sighed.

"Well, work faster. I'm getting impatient," said Douglas. "Get rid of him now, or-"

"Or I'll do it myself," interrupted Maeve's father.

"I was gonna say that!" exclaimed Douglas.

"Today. I promise you. And you won't have to worry about Leo any longer," Marcus said.

Maeve's dad paused. "Alright, I'm trusting you two one last time. But that's it."

"I understand," answered Maeve.

"Look, they're opening a new frozen yogurt shop today. See if you can get Adam, Bree, and Chase there and then take them back here," Douglas explained. "And make sure Leo's taken care of. Do wha-"

"Do whatever it takes," stated Maeve's dad.

"Seriously, Krane?!" shouted Douglas. He and Maeve's dad walked off, arguing.

Maeve sighed. "What are we gonna do?" she asked Marcus.

"I don't know. Any ideas?" said Marcus.

"Uh, well - we know they have that new self-driving car. We could set it for somewhere far away, make sure Leo gets in, and he's gone?"

"That might just work."


The next morning in school, Maeve walked up to Adam, Bree, Chase, and Leo. "Hey, Bree! Hey, guys!"

"Hey, Maevers! Oh my God, did I tell you about what Owen texted me last night?" Bree gushed. Maeve smiled excitedly, opening her mouth to speak, before Leo interrupted.

"No, no, Bree!" He exclaimed, pushing Maeve back. "Alright, Maeve, the jig is up. The game is over. The carrots are cooked. The-"

"Leo!" Chase said, exasperated. "Would you chill out?"

"No! Does no one care about personal safety anymore? I'm doing you all a favor!"

Marcus then approached. "Hey guys, what's up?"

"I'll tell you what's up: your time here!" said Leo, pulling a metal detector out of his bag and frantically scanning Marcus. "Get lost, creepy. You too, Maeve. Out!"

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