bionic showdown, part one

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Maeve and Marcus sat in The Lair, looking at the spycam footage on the iPad. They watched as Adam, Bree, and Chase entered the lab, cheering.

"Guys, that was awesome!" Leo said. "You just prevented the biggest oil spill in history!"

"Pretty slick, huh?" Chase laughed. Maeve smiled.

"Dude, you've gotta get over this little thing you have for Chase," Marcus said, turning his attention away from the iPad.

"Wha- little thing? Me? Chase? What are you talking about?"

"You think I haven't noticed? You're, like, the most obvious person in the world. 'You're so smart, Chase! You're so funny, Chase!'" He mocked.

"I don't sound like that."

"You totally do. You practically drool every time you see him."

"Hey," Maeve said. She held out her hand, generating a small ball of fire. "I will use this."

Marcus rolled his eyes. Maeve dropped her arm and the two of them looked back to the iPad to see the Davenports arguing.

"Look, you guys got lucky this time, but without my precise planning, you are opening yourselves up for disaster," Mr. Davenport said, angry. "Just follow my orders."

Chase scoffed. "Well, maybe your orders aren't always right."

Mr. Davenport paused, incredulous. "Um, excuse me?"

Adam groaned. "He said, 'Well, maybe your orders aren't alw-'"

"I heard him!" Interrupted Mr. Davenport.

Marcus laughed. "I love watching them snap at each other. Whole team is falling apart!"

From out of nowhere, Douglas snatched the iPad out of Marcus' hands. Maeve and Marcus whipped around to look at him.

"I've seen enough," he growled. "It's time to reclaim what's mine. Let's go pay a visit to my big brother." He threw the iPad on the ground in anger, shattering it, and stormed out.

Maeve looked at Marcus, slightly nervous. Marcus looked back at her.

"What do we do?" Maeve asked.

"We need to deactivate their security system so we can get into their lab," Marcus replied, walking over to the cyberdesk. He began typing furiously.

"How do you just know how to do that?" Maeve scoffed.

Marcus rolled his eyes. "I have bionic intelligence. Duh."

When the Davenport's security system had been shut down, Maeve and Marcus walked out of The Lair to meet Douglas. He was in the kitchen, talking to Maeve's father.

"Good, you're here," Douglas said, looking at Maeve and Marcus.

"Eddy's been deactivated. There's no stopping us now," Marcus smirked.

"Perfect," smiled Douglas evilly. "Krane, why don't you wait back here while Marcus, Maeve, and I go to the Davenport's house?"

Maeve's father nodded and left to go to The Lair. Douglas, Maeve, and Marcus made their way to the Davenport mansion.


Maeve and Marcus positioned themselves behind one of the cyberdesks in Mr. Davenport's huge lab.

"I can't believe we're really doing this," Maeve said quietly.

"This is what we've been doing everything for, Maeve," replied Marcus. "Remember: don't let your emotions get in the way. You cannot mess this up."

Maeve looked down.

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