which father knows best

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The next day, they all worked in the lab.

"Well, Bree," said Donald, walking over to the computer. "You smashed your chip so badly, it's useless. But, I was able to replicate my brothers original chip, and like my face, it's flawless."

"Forget the chip. We need to get this dude a mirror," said Leo. Maeve laughed.

"Wait," said Bree. "So, I'm actually gonna be bionic again?"

Donald smiled. "Yep."

"Yes!" Bree cheered, hugging him. "Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"Oh, your chip's almost ready!"

The replicator machine on the table beeped, flashing purple.

"Ooh, snacks are done!" Adam jogged over to the machine, followed by the others.

"For the last time, this is not a microwave. It's a chip fabricator," said Donald, shoving Adam aside.

"Hey, call it whatever you want. I'm still making my mini pizzas in here," he replied.

Donald removed the new chip from the machine and turned to Bree. "Okay, Bree. Hop in your capsule and get ready for your new chip."

Bree grinned, grabbing the chip and standing in her capsule. Donald typed on the computer, preparing to insert the chip.

"You know, Big D, if this works, maybe you can make a chip for me," Leo shrugged slyly.

Donald scoffed. "Please. Your body can't handle high fiber cereal."

After the insertion, Bree stepped out of her capsule. She rubbed her neck.

"So?" Asked Donald in anticipation. "How does it feel?"

"Like a piece of metal just got jammed into my neck and fused to my nervous system," she answered.

"Whoo! Success!" Donald cheered. "Alright. Now give it a try, see how it works."

"Okay," Bree smiled, walking away from them. She readied herself before taking off.

She super-sped forward... and up, and up, until she was running back and forth across the ceiling. The light fixture fell to the ground, and shortly after, so did Bree.

"Well, she's still more useful than Chase," Adam shrugged.

"Are you okay?" Maeve ran over to help her up.

"I'm fine," she said, dusting herself off. "Why didn't it work?"

"You know," said Donald, "technically speaking, your bionics are working."

"You call this working?!" Bree yelled, her voice distorted and deep. She then groaned, her voice shooting to a super high pitch. "I can't control my vocal manipulation. I can't control anything!"

Donald groaned. "I'm so close. It just needs a few tweaks."

He moved to put some sort of electronic neck brace on Bree. Chase pulled Adam and Maeve aside.

"Guys, we're in big trouble if he can't fix her," he said. "We need her speed and agility for missions."

"Well, maybe we'll just find someone to replace her," Adam suggested.

"We can't just replace her," said Maeve.

"You're right," sighed Adam. "Let's just forget about her and move on. She's dead to me!"

Maeve and Chase exchanged exasperated glances. Adam thought for a moment, his face twisting into sad frown.

Chase sighed. "What's wrong?"

the biology of love | chase davenportWhere stories live. Discover now