leo vs. evil

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"YOU CAUGHT ON FIRE?!" Marcus exclaimed.

"It was an accident! I didn't realize until he pointed it out," Maeve explained.

"Do you realize how bad this is? He's gonna know something's up. I thought you were being careful."

"I was trying. I'm sorry. I don't know what to do," Maeve said.

Marcus sighed. "Just try to ignore it, I guess. Maybe he'll forget?"

Maeve laughed sarcastically. "Yeah, like that's gonna happen."

"What else is there to do?"

Maeve frowned. Marcus was right - there was no way she could explain what happened without exposing her bionics. She'd just have to pretend it never happened.

She hoped to God Chase did too.


The following day at school, Maeve and Marcus approached Adam, Bree, Chase, and Leo.

"Hey, guys! How's it going?" Marcus said.

Leo smiled. "Ooh, bundle up, everyone! It just got partly creepy with a hundred percent chance of annoying!"

"Oof, am I gonna need my umbrella for that?" Adam asked, concerned.

Maeve rolled her eyes. "Hey, do you guys wanna do something after school today?"

Marcus smiled in excitement. "We could all go to my house. We just got a sick new flat screen!"

"Is it as sick as you make me? Cause that'd be pretty sick!" Leo replied.

"We'd love to hang out today!" said Chase, smiling at Maeve. She breathed a sigh of relief. Maybe he was just choosing to forget yesterday's fire fiasco.

"Chase is too polite to say it, so I'll say it for him," Leo said. "You two are lunatics, and we're leaving!" He pushed his siblings out of the doors as they protested. "And we're walking. Go. Go on. Go. Out." When Adam, Bree, and Chase had safely exited the building, Leo turned back to Marcus. "Nice try. See you later, Captain Eyebrow."

Maeve generated a gust of wind that forced the doors shut before Leo could leave.

"What the-" he exclaimed, trying to push them open again, but to no avail. He looked at Maeve. "How did you-"

"Chase isn't the only one who can move things with his mind," answered Marcus.

Maeve turned to him, annoyed. "For the last time, I don't move things with my mind. I manipulate the air around the..."

Maeve and Marcus argued as Leo tried to call for help.

"Help! Somebody! I'm trapped! Principal Perry?! Who am I kidding, she's not here. It's five-cent-rib night at the buffalo barn."

Maeve laughed and Marcus glared at her. He looked back at Leo.

"Looks like it's just the three of us, Leo," he said menacingly. "Man, it is fun to mess with you when you can't tell anyone we're bionic!"

"Yeah, it's a real party over here, too," said Leo. "I should just turn you in."

"Go ahead!" Maeve offered. "Then we'll just expose Adam, Bree and Chase, and the government will swoop in and take them away." She patted Leo's shoulder.

"Not if I turn you in first!" Leo ran to the doors. In a split second, Marcus used his molecular kinesis to throw a trash can, narrowly missing Leo.

"You are gonna keep your mouth shut," he warned. "Or next time, I won't miss."

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