sink or swim, part one

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Maeve, Adam, Bree, and Chase spent the next day finding a place to hide. After turning off their GPS signals, they had made their way to a dock and snuck onto a ship just before it took off.

"Whew!" Bree breathed. "Well, after the last six hours, I can confidently say there is no ladylike way to sit on an anchor."

"What are you complaining about? I had a seagull using my head as a nest," Chase said, pulling feathers from his hair.

"Where is this boat going, anyways?" Maeve asked.

"No idea," said Chase. "I can't pinpoint our coordinates without our GPS locaters."

"I bet we're going to Acapulco," Adam smiled. "That's where all the cruise ships go."

Chase shook his head. "Adam, we're not on a cruise ship. It's a cargo freighter."

"Whatever it is, we're on vacation! I'm making the most out of it."

"This is not a vacation!" Bree exclaimed. "We're hiding from the FBI."

"And if they find out about us, we'll become government guinea pigs and Mr. Davenport will go to jail," Chase frowned.

"Will you relax?" Adam laid down against a life preserver and put on sunglasses. "Nice to get away every once in a while, isn't it? And where is that waiter?"

Maeve rolled her eyes before hearing footsteps. "Guys!" She hissed. The four ducked back behind some boxes as they could hear the crew passing by. After a few moments, Chase went to look around.

"Okay, we're all clear," Chase said, returning from around the corner. "The crew just went to eat."

Adam took off his sunglasses and stood up. "If it's veal shank, I'm giving us up."

"Adam," Bree said, and he sat back down. "So what's our plan?"

Chase sighed. "Well, as soon as we get wherever we're going, I guess we just blend in and live normal lives."

"Wait, so does this mean we're done with missions forever?" Adam asked.

"We have to be. Using bionics will only get us caught," Chase said. "Man, if I'm not mission leader anymore, then I don't know who I am."

Maeve put a hand on his arm. He leaned into her a little.

"Don't worry, Chase," Adam said. "You'll have plenty of girlfriend-less years ahead of you to figure it out."

Maeve and Chase exchanged glances and Bree furrowed her brows in confusion.

Adam's face fell as he remembered Maeve and Chase were together now. "Aw, man. I can't even say that anymore. Now I'm really upset."

Chase rolled his eyes. "We're just gonna have to learn to live like regular people. Kind of sad, isn't it?"

"If by 'sad' you mean 'awesome, I finally get to move far away from you two,' then, yes, tragic," Bree smiled.

"You can move wherever you want," Chase said. "We're still gonna have to spend the rest of our lives looking over our shoulders."

"Don't be ridiculous, Chase. They can attack us from the front, too," Adam said. "Hey, look, I got a bite!"

He pointed towards the railing of the boat, where he had a fishing pole set up. He grabbed the pole and started reeling it in.

"Aw, she's a fighter!" He exclaimed.

"Adam, what are you doing?!" Maeve asked.

"Deep sea fishing. Come on, fishy baby, come to daddy!" Adam yanked the pole back. A large fish flew up out of the water and straight into Chase, knocking him over.

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