zip it

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sorry for abandoning this account... i got several urges to rewrite this whole story but whatevs im back


Maeve and her friends stood in the foyer of the school, ready to go home.

"Come on, Bree. We're going home now," Chase said. "Time to get your things out of your locker."

"Yeah," Adam grinned, "it's not like we're waiting for you to open your locker or anything."

Bree narrowed her eyes in confusion.

Adam frowned. "I mean... open it."

Bree rolled her eyes. "Will you leave me alone?! Can I go two minutes without you two hovering around me?"

"Bree, with an attitude like that, it's a wonder you don't get pranked more often!" Adam shook his head. Chase elbowed him and the two walked off.

"I'm so sick of them," Bree complained.

"I'm sorry, Breezy," Maeve pouted. "You'd think they'd have learned their lessons after the whole expired milk prank we pulled."

"Right? It's like their sole purpose in life is to annoy me."

"I'll talk to Chase. Maybe I can get him to lay off a bit," Maeve shrugged.

Bree's friend Caitlin approached, wearing a green and black uniform with a name tag.

"Hey, Bree!" She smiled. "You know how you've always said you wanted to work a part-time job with me?"

"I never said that," Bree shook her head.

"Just agree with me, Bree. It'll be over quicker," Caitlin demanded.

Bree and Maeve exchanged freaked glances.

Caitlin smiled. "Anyway, today's your lucky day because I just started my work study at Tech Town and they're hiring!"

"What's Tech Town?" Maeve questioned.

"It's only the most awesome store in the mall," Caitlin gasped. She turned to Bree. "They make you work weekends, but what do you have going on, anyway?"

Bree shrugged. "I don't know if I wanna work at an electronics store."

She turned to her locker, reaching to open it, but stuttered in confusion as her fingers became stuck to the handle. As she tried desperately to pull her hand away, Adam and Chase rounded the corner, laughing at her.

"Seriously?!" Bree exclaimed. "Glue?"

"That's quite the sticky situation you got there," Chase giggled.

"Chase," Maeve scolded, playfully hitting him on the chest.

"You know what, Caitlin?" Bree took a deep breath. "If it gets me away from my two brothers, I would take a job as a lifeguard at a sewage plant."

"So you're in?" Caitlin asked.

"Yeah," Bree nodded.

"Great! See you at the store. Oh, and Tech Town's a classy place, so leave the sewer talk at school."

And with that, Caitlin walked off.

Bree turned to her brothers. "Hey, dipwads, how do I get my hand loose?"

"Hm, not sure," Adam mock frowned. "But if you figure it out, let me know." He raised his arm to reveal several random objects glued to his hand.


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