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When Maeve left the lab, she didn't know where to go. She decided to head to school, wondering if she could stay there for the night.

The doors to the school were bolted shut, but no matter. Maeve lifted her hands and froze the locks - only the locks didn't freeze. She missed and accidentally froze her shoes to the ground.

"Dammit," Maeve muttered. She had forgotten she was in desperate need of a capsule. She quickly melted the ice off her shoes and then froze the locks on the doors, making them brittle until they broke under her punch. Maeve chose an empty classroom to sleep in.


Maeve woke up in the morning to the sound of Principal Perry entering the school. She panicked slightly and jumped up, but she was worried for nothing - she was easily able to slip out of the school without Perry noticing.

As time passed, more students began to arrive for the school day. They gathered with Maeve outside, waiting for the school doors to open to students.

The school day passed as normal. Maeve didn't have any classes with the Davenports that day, so she was luckily able to avoid any confrontation. But still, she was worried about having a place to stay.

During lunch, Maeve sat alone in the main lobby of the school. She tried to think of places she could live - and the answer walked right up to her.

Literally. Chase Davenport walked into the lobby halfway through lunch. Maeve's head snapped up.

"Chase," she spoke.

Chase whipped around. "Maeve?" He said, confused. "How- what are you doing here?" He changed his stance, readying himself to fight. Maeve sighed.

"Chase, I need to talk to you."

"What is there to talk about?"

Maeve paused. How do you even ask someone this? "I need a place to stay."

Chase furrowed his brow. "And you think I'd let you stay at my house? After everything you've done?"

"I know, Chase. I know you have no reason to trust me, and that's my fault. I get it. But... I didn't know who else to ask," she explained. "Douglas is gone, I don't know where my dad is, and Marcus-" she stopped and swallowed, looking down. "I don't have anywhere to stay."

Chase stared at her, and Maeve could have sworn she saw his gaze soften - just slightly.

But if it did, he covered it up. "You pretended to be our friend," he frowned. "We- I trusted you. I even-" he paused, then sighed. "I thought you were my friend. But it was all a lie."

Maeve's heart sank. Of course, she was already aware of all that she had done to the Davenports, but hearing Chase lay it all out like this...

"I know," she said, her voice small.

"But..." Chase continued. "You did save my life."

Maeve looked back up at him, hoping.

Chase sighed. "Look, how do I know this isn't part of some big ploy to capture us again?"

"You can remove my bionic chip. Then there's nothing I can do to you."

Chase stared at her, contemplating, before shaking his head. "I'm sorry. I just don't know how I could trust you again."

"Chase, please," Maeve said, practically begging at this point. "I know I've been horrible to you. You didn't deserve that. I'm really, really sorry. But... I'm scared, Chase. I don't know where to go."

Chase studied her.

"Look, just for a few days. Until I can figure things out," she continued. "And then, I promise, you will never have to see me again."

the biology of love | chase davenportWhere stories live. Discover now