armed and dangerous

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Agent Graham led Maeve, Chase, Adam, and Bree into their high school. Students chattered as camera crews shuffled around, bodyguards milling about.

"Students of Mission Creek," said Graham, "please welcome your bionic superhumans!"

The students cheered as they walked in.

"And our trusty little mascot Chase," Adam grinned, patting his brother's chest.

In a whirlwind of noise and motion, the bionic teens spent the next ten minutes greeting excited students and singing autographs. It was strange - the same people who sat in Maeve's classes, who did group projects with her, all of a sudden losing their minds at the mere sight of her.

"Wow, this is amazing," Chase grinned. "It's like we're celebrities."

They looked over to see Adam signing a girl's forehead.

"We are," Graham said, appearing behind Chase. "And this is just the beginning."

"I can't believe that people are so shallow they only like us because we're bionic," said Bree. "This is awesome!"

"One girl gave me a fan letter," Chase said excitedly.

Bree scoffed. "You?"

"Let me see this," Maeve said, grabbing the letter as Chase held it out to her. It was a pink envelope, decorated with hearts and flowers. She looked back up at him. "Really?"

"What?" he asked.

"You sure this isn't a love letter? I'm pretty sure she even sprayed it with perfume."

"No, it's clearly a letter of admiration for my superior intelligence and leadership abilities," he said, taking the envelope back and opening it. "See? It says, 'Chase, you are my world. You inspire me every day with your work. You are the most... handsome man... I want to be with you forever'-"

He crumpled the letter in his hand and tossed it out, looking back at Maeve sheepishly.

She smirked knowingly at him. "Good choice."

He smiled softly, brushing his arm against hers.

Leo approached them, frowning.

"What's wrong, Leo?" Maeve asked.

"That." He gestured behind them.

They looked over to see Adam and Janelle, talking excitedly about something.

"I can't believe this. Now that she knows Adam's bionic, it's all, 'can I do a project on you?' and, 'let's meet after school, teehee!'" Leo exclaimed. "Like Adam's that cool anyways. Sure, he can pick up a car, but... I could explode the car! So..."

Chase patted Leo's shoulder. "Why don't you just tell Janelle you're bionic too?"

"I did. She didn't believe me."

"Leo, I don't think you have anything to worry about. I doubt Janelle actually likes Adam, she just needs something for her project," Maeve said. "Besides, if having bionics is all she cares about, she's not the right girl for you. You deserve someone who likes you for you."

Leo thought about this, then sighed. "You're right. Besides, if Chase ended up with you, I guess there's hope for me!"


That afternoon, Adam, Chase, Bree, and Maeve walked with Agent Graham into the lab, laughing at a joke he had made. Donald stood there, carrying a huge metal barrel.

"What's so funny?" Donald asked when he saw them.

"Oh, nothing," Chase smiled.

"Agent Graham said the most amazing piece of technology in the whole lab is your hair!" Adam laughed.

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