cyborg shark attack

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Maeve sat on the couch, watching Survivor when Chase, Leo, and Adam returned home.

"How was your anti-shark propaganda movie?" She asked.

Chase grinned. "It was good. Although I think someone was a little scared." He gestured to Leo.

Leo frowned. "Look, it's hard for me to talk about, but... when I was younger, I had a very traumatic experience with a shark."

Chase's expression changed to one of confusion and concern. "You did?"

"It was the dead of summer," Leo stated dramatically. "I was playing in the water when all of a sudden everything turned red... and that's when I realized."

Chase and Maeve exchanged glances.

"Realized what?" Asked Adam.

"It bit me."

"A great white?" Chase asked.


"Hammerhead?" Adam suggested.


"Tiger?" Asked Maeve.


"Thresher?" Chase shrugged.


"Bull shark?" She frowned.

"Okay, it was rubber," Leo finally said.

Maeve's jaw dropped as she tried to stifle a laugh.

"Wait, wait, wait," said Chase. "You were bitten by a toy shark at the beach?"

"No!" He exclaimed. "It was a bathtub."

Maeve grabbed Chase's arm and buried her head into his shoulder as she laughed.

"But that water was choppy!" Leo continued. "And I was not the only victim... Mr. Froggy is still missing."

Adam nodded. "You know what else is missing?"

"What?" He asked.

"Your manhood."


The next day at school, Maeve, Chase, and Adam walked into the foyer. Janelle and Leo were chatting, Janelle sitting next to a CPR dummy.

"Hey, Janelle, aren't you a little old to be playing with dolls?" Adam asked. "Give it to Chase."

Chase nodded, used to Adam's taunting. "It's not a doll. It's a CPR dummy. Or in your case, another inanimate object that's smarter than you!"

Adam chuckled and sat down, throwing an arm around the dummy. Janelle stood up and turned to Leo.

"Hey, Leo, maybe after we're done studying... we can go see Shark Beach?"

"Yeah, already saw it," said Leo. "Two thumbs down."

"Really? I loved it!" She said.

"And eight fingers up!" Leo exclaimed.

"I love sharks," said Janelle. "They fascinate me."

"Me too!" Leo nodded.

Maeve and Chase exchanged glances, trying not to laugh.

"They're the most misunderstood creatures on the planet," Janelle smiled.

"I know!" Said Leo. "So they eat people. Leave them alone."

Janelle laughed. "I tried to see the movie again last night, but someone kept screaming the whole time."

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