mornings and evenings

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After the Career Day fair, Marcus and Maeve went out to dinner with the Davenports. It was a fancy Italian restaurant, nothing less than expected of billionaire Donald. Still dressed in their day clothes, the teenagers all felt a bit underdressed, but no matter. Mr. Davenport had acquired a private dining room for the group, away from the watchful eyes of high-end diners.

Maeve took the seat between Marcus and Bree, across from Chase. Next to Chase sat Leo, who hadn't taken his eyes off Marcus and Maeve for the entirety of the car ride.

"So, Maeve, how long have you been living here?" Bree asked.

"All my life. I used to go to Coldwell Academy, but I switched out."

"Why'd you transfer?" Chase inquired.

"Um, a few reasons. I guess the environment there was really tough. I don't know. It just wasn't the right fit for me," Maeve answered.

This wasn't a lie. Maeve spent all of her days at her old school hiding in the library to eat lunch. She was used to competitive environments, and she was pretty good at school, but compared to the other Coldwell students?

She was nothing.

"Well, I hope you can fit in better at Mission Creek High," Chase smiled.

"Yeah! And you have all of us, too," Bree added, looking around.

"Yep, that's right! All of us! Here for you!" Leo said, feigning a smile.

"Leo," warned Mr. Davenport's wife, Tasha.

"It's alright. We did frame him for breaking my guitar," Marcus said.

"Yeah, it's perfectly fine. I just hope that one day, Leo can trust us again," Maeve added, looking somber.

"Oh, don't worry about him. He'll come around," replied Chase. Leo grumbled and crossed his arms.

"So, how did you guys become friends?" Adam asked Maeve and Marcus.

"Oh, it was a few years ago. Maeve and I were lab partners in Chemistry," Marcus replied, smiling.

"AHA!" Leo exclaimed, causing the entire table to stare at him. "You said you just moved here! How could you have been friends with Maeve for so long?"

The table then turned their attention on Maeve and Marcus. Marcus' eyes widened ever so slightly, and Maeve kicked him under the table.

"Uh, he moved around a lot, you know? He used to live here for a few months and we became friends, and then he moved away," Maeve answered. God, she hoped they would believe her.

"Yep, but now I'm back again," Marcus laughed nervously.

"Wait, so, how many times have you moved?" Adam asked Marcus.

"Too many to count, honestly. When you've lived as many places as I have, they kind of blur together."

"Well, I hope you'll be able to remember Mission Creek," Chase said.

"Thanks. I know I will," Marcus eyed Leo.

The dinner continued. They were onto their entrees, discussing school.

"Do you guys like your new schedules?" Chase asked, looking at Maeve. She stared back at him. It was kind of cute, to be honest - the way his cheeks flushed the slightest pink when they locked eyes. If he had any sort of feelings towards her, it would just make it all the more fun to take him back to Douglas.

"My classes are fine. I just don't have any with Maeve, which kind of stinks," Marcus said.

"Well, at least you guys can go on dates outside of school," said Adam. Maeve choked on her water.

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