the jet-wing

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Chase, Maeve, and Bree sat on the couch in the living room. In the kitchen, Donald was working on rebuilding one of his old inventions. Leo and Adam watched, interested.

The invention sparked and Donald jumped back, waving his hand around in pain. "Great. Everything in the lab is officially useless. And I don't have any money to repair it."

"I know my mom didn't marry you for your money, but I haven't been putting up with your antics for nothing," said Leo.

Bree got up and walked towards Donald. "Mr. Davenport, take your time with the lab. I don't mind staying up here! I mean, it won't make up for living in a basement for 16 years, but it's a start!"

"We don't have time," Donald said, annoyed. "Your capsules have regenerative capabilities. They're crucial to your bionic infrastructures."

"Huh?" Adam asked, his eyes blank.

"Let me help you," said Chase. He began to speak in a caveman-like voice. "Capsule good!"

Maeve laughed.

Bree shrugged. "But I haven't been in my capsule all week, and I feel fine."

"Well, it's only a matter of time before your bionics go haywire," responded Donald.

"Do you know when exactly?" Adam asked. "Because I have a haircut on Tuesday and if I glitch in the chair, I'm just gonna end up looking like that train wreck." He pointed to Chase.

Chase frowned, exasperated. "Look, I get it. I'm short, I look like a lady golfer, and I have a terrible haircut. What else you got?"

"How long do you have?" Adam raised his eyebrows. Bree and Leo laughed.

Donald rolled his eyes. "Look, the longer you go without your capsules, the more likely you'll glitch. So don't use your bionics until I get enough money to rebuild the lab."

"Uh oh," Adam began to breath heavily. "I feel a glitch coming on."

He punched Chase in the arm. Chase grimaced and stepped back towards Maeve, who pouted sarcastically and put her arm around him.

"You know what? I feel one coming on too." Chase moved forward and pushed Adam out of his chair and onto the ground.

Adam quickly stood up. "Hey, it's not funny when you hurt me. It's just rude."

The family dispersed, Adam and Bree sitting on the couch. Maeve and Chase made conversation as they headed to the back windows, where Chase's guitar laid.

Chase grabbed the instrument and sat down on the step. Maeve sat next to him, her arm pressing against his. She watched him play the guitar. She had forgotten how good he was.

After a few minutes, Chase stopped playing. "What'd you think?"

"You're really good," Maeve smiled at him. He smiled softly and looked away.

"Okay everybody, family meeting time," Donald said, walking into the living room with Leo and Tasha.

Chase and Maeve stood up and sat down on the couch. Adam and Bree were already there, Adam lifting his arm in the air.

"Adam, you don't have to raise your hand to speak. Just talk," Donald frowned.

"Oh, no, I've got nothing to say," Adam explained. "I was just airing out my pits."

Donald sighed. "The reason I called this meeting is because we have to make some cutbacks in the family budget. Starting with... losing our cell phones."

Maeve and Bree's jaws dropped.

"What?" Adam questioned.

"Did you not hear me?" Bree stammered. "I just moved out of a basement. I need this phone."

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