not so smart phone

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"Out of all the cool things in this house, and you guys choose bowling?" Maeve asked.

She laid on a table in the lab, doing a crossword puzzle. Adam and Leo were crouched on one end of the lab, carefully setting up bowling pins.

"Hey, this isn't regular bowling. This is bionic bowling," Adam grinned.

"Still not seeing the appeal," she said. "But have fun."

"Hey, guys," Chase said, walking into the lab with Bree in tow. "We just got our first paychecks from Tech Town!"

"Nice! What are you gonna spend it on? A video game? New kicks?" Leo asked. "A birthday gift for a sibling who wants a video game and new kicks?"

"Ooh! How about a gift for a girlfriend who wants a new dress?" Maeve suggested slyly.

"Nope!" Chase grinned. "I'm gonna open a savings account."

"Look, I wanna like you," Bree grimaced, "but you make it so hard."

Chase frowned before shaking his head. "The job also comes with perks." He reached into a pocket to pull out a brand new phone.

Leo gasped. "The new ePhone 7?! Those aren't even out yet! How'd you get one?"

"Well, Leo, as a rising star of the Tech Town empire-"

"We all got one," Bree interrupted, rolling her eyes and walking out of the lab.

"People are already lined up for the big release Friday," explained Chase. "You should've seen the crazed looks in their eyes when I walked by with this thing."

Leo stared down at the ePhone, eyes about to bulge out of his skull.

"Yep, that's the look!" Chase nodded.

Leo snatched the phone from Chase's hands. "This version's got the new auto-centering feature to help you take better selfies!"

Leo snapped a picture of himself. He, Chase, and Maeve crowded in to see a horrible, very low-quality picture of a grimacing Leo.

"Yeah, I don't photograph well," Leo frowned.

"Point that bad boy over here," Adam called. He was standing at the end of the lab holding a bowling ball, ready to strike. "You're gonna want to record this perfection."

"Ooh, let's do it!" Leo walked over to film Adam from a better angle.

"I'm Adam Davenport, and this is Bionic Bowling," Adam spoke to the phone.

"Adam is 6'2, a rare combination of incredible strength and not much else," Leo narrated.

Adam got into position, breathing deeply, only to chuck the hall at the pins, knocking them all out. Leo and Adam cheered as Chase rolled his eyes.

"Let me try," Chase said.

They set up the bowling pins.

"I'm Chase Davenport, and this is Molecular Kinesis Bowling," Chase said to the phone camera.

"A native of Mission Creek, Chase's hobbies include being a tattle-tale and talking about his girlfriend." Leo pointed the camera at Maeve, who flashed a smile.

Chase set the ball on the ground and took a step back. He raised his hands and used his molecular kinesis to move the ball across the lab, where it knocked down all but two pins.

"Oh, the dreaded 7-10 split!" Leo cried, dramatically pointing the camera close to Chase. "Devastating. Just devastating!"

As Adam fake cried, Chase rolled his eyes and raised his hand again, moving the ball to knock out the remaining pins in one swift motion.

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