llama drama

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Maeve walked up to the beaker on the table.

"Why does no one put anything away in this place?" She groaned.

"No!" Chase exclaimed, grabbing the beaker. "There are microscopic nanobots in there. Mr. Davenport made them to seek out and destroy diseased cells in the human body."

"How many are in there?" Maeve asked, staring at the beaker that appeared to be empty.

"Thousands. Here," Chase grabbed weird-looking glasses and gave them to Maeve, who put them on. As soon as she did, she could see the tiny blue nanobots crawling around.

"Aww!" She said. "Can I have one?"

Chase laughed. "Sorry, Maeve. Mr. Davenport's testing them for medical use."

Maeve sighed and sat down next to Chase, taking off the glasses. She watched as he filled out a worksheet.

"You waited until after dinner to do your homework? Wow, I didn't take you to be the procrastinating type," she smirked.

"This is tomorrow's homework," Chase replied.

Maeve rolled her eyes, smiling. "Of course it is."

"Hey, I'm not doing it for fun this time!" he explained. "Perry is assigning us to guard the dingo mascot costume so that Deerfield High doesn't steal it again, and Adam and I have a shift tomorrow afternoon."

"Aw, so I won't get to hang out with you?" Maeve pouted, half-joking.

Chase froze and stared at her, blushing. "Oh, well-"

"I'm kidding. I feel like there are better ways to guard the costume, though."

"There definitely are - Perry just likes taking away all our free time. I could be doing next week's homework!"

Maeve smiled. "You're cute."

Chase's eyes widened slightly, and he stared straight down at his homework. "Uh..." he stammered. Maeve giggled as the lab doors began to open. Maeve gasped and Chase looked at her. She quickly ducked into the closet.

What a fun few days this was going to be.


The next afternoon, Maeve sat in the lab, making a bracelet out of string. Chase entered the lab, upset.

"Chase?" She laughed. "What happened?"

"Adam let the dingo costume get stolen while I was in the bathroom. Now I have to help him get it back." He sat down next to Maeve.

"Aww, I'm sorry," she said, placing a hand on his shoulder. He stiffened a little, then relaxed.

"Yeah, well, now I just need to call him while he sneaks into Deerfield High."

"And you trust Adam to do that?"

Chase laughed. Maeve smiled. She didn't like seeing him upset. He got up and took a comm set.

Maeve sat in her chair, tying her bracelet together, watching Chase talk to Adam over the comm set.

Something Adam said made Chase roll his eyes. "Adam, have you found the Dingo yet?" He asked. "Okay, but be discreet." Chase suddenly winced. "That's on me for thinking you know what 'discreet' means!"

Maeve furrowed her brow, wondering what could be happening on Adam's side. She kept working on the bracelet as Chase talked to his brother. Eventually, he hung up.

"He got the costume back. I'm gonna go meet him at school," Chase said.

"Have fun," Maeve giggled. She put on some music, hanging out alone in the lab by herself. When she suddenly heard loud footsteps, she ducked into her closet.

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