bionic showdown, part two

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"What do you mean, you're our father," Chase questioned. The siblings were skeptical, but something in their eyes showed a bit of worry.

"Yeah, he's our father!" Bree pointed to Donald.

"No," said Douglas. "That's what he's been telling you."

"Well, I don't know who you are, but you're going down!" Adam exclaimed. He and his siblings lunged at Douglas, but it was too late. Douglas had grabbed a remote from his desk, and with the click of a button, he had teleported the trio inside of the laser cage.

Donald looked around, shocked. "You mastered short-range teleportation before I did?! I've been working on that for years!"

"I know," laughed Douglas. "I'm awesome."

"You're still going down," said Adam. He started to move, but then paused. "My super strength. It's gone."

Bree tried to run. "So is my speed!"

"I've got nothing," said Chase, after touching his fingers to his temple.

"That's because I designed these lasers to block the signals from your bionic chips!" Douglas laughed. "That's right. Daddy gave you toys, but he can also take them away."

"Well, Maeve," Marcus said. "We finally captured them."

"Actually, I captured them," corrected Douglas. "Me, me, me, me, me!"

"You've got one of those too, huh?" Chase smirked.

"You have no idea," Marcus said, frustrated.

"Come on," Maeve's father snapped. "We've got work to do."

Her father exited The Lair, Marcus and Douglas in tow. Maeve stayed behind to keep an eye on the Davenports.

"How are you guys feeling?" she asked. "Need anything? Water? Food?"

"Could I get a hot dog?" Adam asked.

Bree frowned. "She's kidding, Adam."

"Wait- there's no food? She really is evil!"

"How could you do this, Maeve?" Chase shook his head.

"It was quite easy, actually," she replied. She was trying to ignore how hurt Chase seemed. Every time he looked at her, all she felt was shame.

"Well, you're not gonna get away with it," said Bree.

"I already have," Maeve said. "There's nothing left for you guys to do. Once Douglas comes back, you guys are gone."

"You don't have to do this for him, Maeve. He can't control you," said Chase, and Maeve could have sworn he looked empathetic for a second.

Maeve looked down, then shook her head. "I'm not doing this for him. I make my own choices."

Bree frowned. "Well, I hope you feel satisfied with yourself. I really liked being your friend."

Adam nodded. "We're gonna break out of here, and when we do, you're gonna be sorry."

"Yeah. You're probably used to getting away with things because you're nice and you're pretty, but not this time. We will never give up. No matter what," Chase said.

Maeve paused. "You think I'm pretty?"

Chase's eyes widened slightly. "Uh, no. What? I didn't... say that. What I meant was-"

Donald rolled his eyes. "Look, Maeve, Chase was right. My brother is evil. He's gotten in your head. Is this what you really want to do?"

"I see what you're doing, and it's not going to work," Maeve frowned. "You guys are gonna work for my dad whether you like it or not."

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