Chapter 1 - Meeting the Boys

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This is my first story so please no hate... My friends helped me out with this story and it took us a while, so I hope you guys like it and sorry for any spelling mistakes.! <3

Maliha's P.O.V.

I was getting ready to leave with my friends, Erin, Kirstin, and Lacey. Erin has striking, long blond hair, Kirstin has long, dirty blond curls, and Lacey has a mix. Me? I've got plain, lengthy brown hair. We just got backstage passes to a One Direction concert off of a radio show. I know... Lame. I'm just glad to be getting my mind off my ex, Mark. We broke up two weeks ago. He got mad because I wouldn't give in to him, so he got up and left. A few days later, I got a text saying, "Maliha, we're over. Have a nice life, bitch!"

I cried myself to sleep for the first week, heartbroken from my first real relationship. My friends have been really supportive, staying at Kirstin and I's flat, helping me get my mind off the jerk. We've known each other since our toddler years, going through our different stages in life together, as best friends should. Now we're just living the teenage life as 18 and 19 years old do. I'll be 19 in 3 days, so my friends busted their butts to get us these backstage passes.

With my hair curled and my light makeup done to perfection by my best friend Kirstin, I proceed to put on my black pencil skirt, a blue tank-top, and a red and blue striped shirt to cover my slim figure. On the front there's a giant red heart with the name Louis Tomlinson inscribed while a side hangs off on one shoulder. I made it myself, proving to my friends I have quite the artistic ability. Louis has always been my favorite boy in the band. I love how he is himself and that he can be immature at times. I think him and I would get along very well.

"It's time!" Lacey yells from the living room. Grabbing my purse and phone, we all head out to the car. As we pull out of the driveway, I put my One Direction CD on and turn it to 'Truly, Madly, Deeply'. Instantly, we all begin to sing along.

"Am I asleep, am I awake, or somewhere in between?

I can't believe that you are here and lying next to me.

Or did I dream that we were perfectly entwined.

Like branches on a tree, or twigs caught on a vine.

Like all those days, and weeks, and months I tried to steal a kiss.

And all those sleepless nights and daydreams where I'd picture this.

I'm just the underdog who finally got the girl.

And i am not ashamed to tell it to the world." We all sing, as Lacey and I continue with the chorus.

"Truly, madly, deeply I am, foolishly completely fallin'.

And somehow you kicked all my walls in,

So baby say you'll always keep me, truly, madly, deeply in love with you. In love with you." With my feelings starting to pour out into the lyrics, I changed the song to a more upbeat one, to mask what I was feeling.

Soon enough we ended up gaining a spot in the front, getting there before anyone else. As we walked in, we could hear the boys laughing and singing. Walking through a set of blue doors, we saw something we never thought we would. The boys.

Harry stopped in his tracks and elbowed Louis, pointing to us, oh so nonchalantly. Louis looked across the stage before eyeing me up and down, finally landing on my eyes. I felt a big smile spread throughout my face as he smiled, too. Lacey walked past me, nudging me in the arm, snatching me out of my gaze.

"Ow!" I yelled at the her before running to catch up with her, swatting her on the arm. When I looked back at the boys, they were all staring at us.

Lacey was looking at Niall, Kirstin was gleaming at Liam, all as Erin took a quick glance at Zayn, before turning her head as the blood began to rush to her cheeks. I looked back at the boys to see Harry and Louis glancing my way. Feeling embarrassed, I looked towards the ground.

The boys gathered together and scrambled off the stage towards us. Louis came up to me and offered me his hand while saying, "Hello love, I'm Louis." I accepted his sweet gesture before answering him.

"Hi, I'm Maliha." He slowly moved my hand to his lips, pressing lightly, while walking me to the stage, the girls tight behind us. Louis stopped and pointed to a curly haired boy, introducing him to me as 'Harry'. Not wanting to be rude, I thanked him. He was looking handsome with a big smile on his face and his piercing green gaze. He stopped with Niall, the blond one. I pointed to my friends, introducing them, also.

"This is Lacey, Kirstin, and Erin." I gestured, pointing at them as I said their names. They just smiled and waved.

Harry, being the gentlemen he is, walked over and asked if we had any questions. Lacey stepped up to begin the short interrogation. "Whose single?" She asked, a light blush rising to her cheeks as she plastered a big smile upon her face.

"I sure am," Louis said looking at me with a giant grin. I smiled and blushed before looking down, making sure my hair would hide my face. Louis put his finger under my chin and forced me to look up at him.

"Don't hide your beatiful eyes, love," he said with a sideways smirk.

Harry pulled me out of my day dream in Louis' eyes. "Me," he stated, loud and proud.

Niall continued the pattern with a "me to," followed by a mysterious Zayn and cheeky Liam. They are all single. In my head I'm totally fangirling right now, but on the outside, I'm hiding it precariously.

"What about you guys?" Zayn asked, his eyes moving towards Erin.

"I am," I said looking cheekily at Louis.

"Me too," Lacey said, holding her gaze on Niall. The sequence continued until we had all announced our singleness.

Louis was smiling at me, along with Harry. Zayn was concerned with getting close to Erin, as Niall was to Lacey and Liam was to Kirstin. We all stood silent until Louis decided to break the silence.

"Wanna hang in the dressing room with us?" He asked, not considering the consequences of us saying no.

"Uh... yeah," the girls and I say at the same time.

Harry walked over to me and put his arm around my neck, pulling me into him. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Louis give him a cold glare as if saying, "She's mine." Harry gladly smirked and showed us to the dressing room.

Saying it's big would be an understatement. This dressing room is huge! They have a long table with tons of food on it, 3 sofas, 5 sets of neatly, ironed clothes hung on a silver rack and a full size mirror covering one of the 4 walls. Niall headed straight for the food table and stopped dead in his tracks when Harry offered us some food.

"Don't mind if I do," Lacey said, walking past me, picking up an Oreo.

Niall continued eating until Erin picked up a cracker.

"Niall doesn't share food with anyone, only people or girls he likes.. See how he didn't say anything to Lacey, but glared at Erin when she picked up a cracker," Harry whispered to me.

"So, are you saying Niall likes Lacey?" I asked him a little too loud, seeing as Lacey and Niall both stopped eating and looked at us. Niall's checks got insanely red, as did Lacey's, before she looked down to the floor.

"Niall's got a crush! A big, big crush!" The rest of the boys sang together.

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