Chapter 14 - Interviews!!

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A/N: Okay this isn't the one that is the shocker but it is coming up soon!! yay! I'm so excited about it.. but yeah I guess you could say that this one is long but oh well.. :) enjoy!!

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Kirstin's P.O.V.

Our lips were parted, both of us breathing heavily with our foreheads pushed together. He kissed me again but more passionetly. As h held me closer to his body, ours now as close as posibl, I could feel him, he wanted to. By now i hadn't realized that I was sitting on the counter and my hand was in his hair.

"Liam we can't." I said, my voice shaking.

"I know, we have a interiew today and I was wondering if you wanted to come with? I want to let th world know that you are mine." he said as he heloed me down.

"okay, sure. I'll tag along. ust tell the boys and tell Louis that he still has it coming.. I will get my payback." I said with a smirk

"Will do.. now, umm, I'll be right back.." he said walking away as I just laughed to myself.

See Louis and I are really good friends. So are Niall and I, we usually just have eating contests but Louis and I are more like rother and sister. Liam says that I'm like all of th boys but put together. Liam walked into the living room at th very moment that Louis called.

"Hello?" I said

"Hey, Kirsybear!" he said back.

"Oh hi Boobear." I giggled.

"Are you guys on your way? Or did i interupt something?" he said and I could just tell that he had a smirk plastered on his face.

"Yes, we are on our ay and No, you didn't Intrupt anything. We're ust gtting ready to leave." I said grabbing my purse and jacket.

"Okay, se you in a bit. By Kirsybear." he said then the line went dead.

Liam grabbed my hand and we walked outside. As our fingers intertwined my phone went off. We got into his car and i pulled out my phone. It was from Layce.

'When are you coming over girl?! We need to get out shop on!!' It read as i sighed and dropped my head.

A hand was placd on my knee and I looked up to see my bofriend looking at me with worried eyes.

"What's wrong, love?" he said worried

"I was supposd to go shopping with the girls"

"well doyou want to go with them? We can always nounce our relationship later." he said starting th car.

"No I wanna spend the day with ou!" I said puting like a little kid.

He chuckled and said, "okay then." as he drove off.

I replied to Layce with my fingers dancing around the screen. 'Sorry but i can't come.. got a thing with liam :)'

she emidiatly replied with 'Ohh! OKay, I'll tell the girls but its cool. ;)'

I face-palmed myself knowing what she was thinking. Then i relzed we were sitting infront of a hge building. Liam parked then looked over to me.

"we're here." he said getting out and over to my side before i ould even get my seat belt off. I jst laughed histerically. Why? I have no idea..

"Bras yoursel, there is going to be alot of paparazzi." He sai seriouslly.

I nodded in reply as I got out of the car. Liam's and mines hands emidiatly entertwined. He was right, abut th paparazzi. As soon as we were 10 yards away from the car, they swormed like masquetoes. Lights Started to flash and they started to aske questions.

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