Chapter 3 - The Concert

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Maliha's P.O.V

Paul walked us out of the room and to the front row, right towards the middle. Like seriously, how lucky are we? Ten minutes passed, consisting of us talking about how nice and fit they all are. As the lights went off and the stage lit up, the boys walked out onto the stage, microphone ready in hand.

"Your hand fits in mine like it's made just or me.

But bear this in mind, it was meant to be.

And I'm joining up the dots with the freckles on your cheeks.

And it all makes sense the me," Zayn sang, looking over at Erin.

"I know you've never loved the crinkles by your eyes.

When you smile, you've never loved your stomach or your thighs.

And the dimples in your back at the bottom of your spine.

But I'll love them endlessly," Liam sang to Kirstin.

"I won't let these little things slip, out of my mouth.

But if I do, it's you, its you, they add up to.

And I'm in love with you and all these little things," all of the boys chorused.

"You can't go to bed, without a cup of tea.

And maybe that's the reason that you talk in your sleep.

And all those conversations are the secrets that I keep.

Though it makes no sense to me," Louis sang to me, looking right at me. I smiled and blew him a kiss.

"I know you've never loved, the sound of your voice on tape.

You never want, to know how much you weigh.

You still have to squeeze into your jeans.

But you're perfect to me," Harry sang with a sad expression etched on his face. I looked down for a moment and then back up, sure not to miss anything.

"You'll never love yourself half as much as I love you.

And you'll never treat yourself right, darlin', but I want you to.

If I let you know, I'm here, for you.

Maybe you'll love yourself, like I love you, oh," Niall sang to Lacey, reaching his hand out to hers. She took it and smiled up at him just as he began to wink.


After the show, Paul walked us back to the boys dressing room and left. The girls and I walked in, frightened and amused at the sight of all the boys in their boxers.

My mouth fell open and I put my hand over my eyes, protecting the only ounce of innocence I had left in my body.

I heard running as a door shut and some one walked over to me, placing their hand on mine. They moved it from over my eyes, but I continued to keep my eyes closed.

"Open your eyes, love. I want to see how beautiful they are," Louis said rubbing my cheek.

I opened my eyes to see Louis only inches from my face.

"There they are," Louis said to me, his hand still caressing my cheek.

"Aww," cooed the girls, all at the same time.

"Oh shut up," I say, turning to look at them. That threw everyone else into a huge fit of laughter. I was caught in it as well, until Louis broke through my thoughts.

"Maliha," he said, grabbing my hand in his.

Louis P.O.V

"You can't go to bed, without a up of tea. And maybe that's the reason that you talk in your sleep. And all those conversations are the secrets that I keep. Though it make no sense to me," I sing, directing my attention to Maliha. After I finished singing, it felt like I was in my own little world.

After the show we went back to the dressing room, changing back into our regular clothes. In the midst of changing, the girls walked in, caught off guard by us in our boxers.

Maliha was first into the room, and her mouth opened at the sight. She put her hand over her eyes as Zayn shut the door behind the rest of the girls.

I put on some sweats and walked up to her, pulling her hands from her eyes, only to see them desperately trying to stay closed.

"Open your eyes, love. I want to see how beautiful they are, " I tell Maliha. She opened her eyes and looked right up at me, mesmerized by the view.

"There they are," I whisper, as my hand reaches up to caress her cheek.

"Aww," all the girls say, simultaneously.

"Oh shut up," Maliha said turning to glare at them. Everyone laughed, but I soon stopped and went for it.

"Maliha," I question, grabbing her hand.

"Yes?" She asks, looking back to me.

"Will you go on a date with me?" I know I said this with a red face. She looked around at everyone in the room, as all the girls began nodding their heads. Three of the boys were too, but Harry was by himself, looking sad and devastated, awaiting the answer he didn't want to come.

"Louis, I would love to go on a date with you," she responded with red cheeks, sure to capture the moment.

"Yes!" I said, picking her up and spinning us around.

Her and I stood there, faces getting redder as the moment progressed. "They make a cute couple," I hear Liam tell Kirstin.

"Yeah they do," she whispered back to him, as I begin to smile even further than I already was.

"Okay guys. Who ate the last of the Oreos?" Niall and Lacey blurted out at the same time.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," Erin said, stuffing the last one in her mouth. We all laughed. Niall and Lacey were giving her death glares, which made me laugh even harder. Erin just blushed and smiled. I looked over and saw Harry glancing at her as he too, smiled. I think he's beginning to like her.

"We should all hang out sometime," Zayn says, smiling and announcing to everyone in the room.

"Yeah, we should," Liam said, looking down at Kirstin as she blushed.

Paul walked in, interrupting the moment, and said that the girls had to leave. We all exchanged numbers and the girls started for the door. Kirstin grabbed Maliha's hand, but I stopped her by reaching for the other one.

"Come here, love," I said, pulling her into a tight embrace.

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