Chapter 19 - Some unfortunate news

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Liam's P.O.V. ~after the movie~

Maliha came out of Louis' room followed by Lou... Both of them had some pretty bad bed head.

"Hey, ummm.. Boobear, you might want to fix your shirt.. Its inside out.." Kirstin said laughing..

Maliha's face got bright red as Louis fixed his shirt..

"hey!! you cant call him that! only I can!" Harry said with a jelous look on his face.

"Kirsybear can call me whatever she wants.." Louis butted in.

Kirstin had a satisfide look on her face as Harry just fake cryed. Erin got up to comfort him as she pulled him in for a kiss.

"Be nice to my boyfriend!!" she yelled jokingly at Kirstin.

"Okay, Okay.. I'm sorry Hazz, I wont call him Boobear." she said hugging harry.

"Okay.. Is everyone done with this love fest, because I want-"

"NANDOS!!!" Layce finished for Niall.

"wow, its like she can read my mind." he said pulling her into a kiss..

we all laughed and made our way to Nandos. When we got there we all gor or food and sat down. we all got done eating after we had to clean Zayn's face off because someone made the mistake of making Maliha laugh when she was trying to drink her soda. My phone rang so I oicked it up.. It was Simon.

"Hey Simon." I said loud enough for everyone to hear so they would stop talking.

"Hey Liam.. Can you and the boys stop by my office tomorrow? I need to tell you something." he said.

"Well tell me! I want to know.." I whined.

"Well, you and the boys will be going on your 2013 world tour" He said, I could tell he was smiling but my smile faded.

"Whats wrong?" Zayn asked.

"when?" I said to simon.

"In about a month.." He said.

"I'm gonna have to call you back.." I said then hung up.

"Well?" Harry asked.

"We have to start the 2013 tour." I said and everyone got quiet

I looked down at kirstin and she was just sitting there looking at her hands. I then saw a tear fall on her fingers. I grabbed her hand and stood up then pulled her to the side. She didnt do anything she just cept looking down. I put my finger under her chin and pulled her head up so I could look in her eyes. A tear fell down her face. I pulled her into a hug as I squeezed her tight. I closed my eyes as a tear fell ontop of her head.

"Kirstin, I want you to know I will always love you. Nomatter what happens. I said as I felt another tear rin down my cheek. she started to sob into my chest. I could feel the tears spill out onto my shirt. I rubbed circles into her back to try and calm her down but it only made it worse. She cried louder and louder.

____________________________________________________________________________A/N: okay this one is kinda short but I updated twice today so no hate!! hehe lol IM like really FREAKING HYPER!!!! lol hehe but yeah The next one is really long and Im super excited because the shocker is two chappters away!! yay!!! hehe well READ. VOTE. COMMENT. if you guys think i need to improve on anything then just let me know!! :)

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