Chapter 24 - Picture Perfect..

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Louis' P.O.V.

"Hey love!? Where are the carrots?" I yelled from the kitchen.

"Check the bottom tub.." she yelled back, It sounded like she was getting closer..

I looked in the bottom tub of the fridge. As i did I felt a pair of hands wrap around my waist. I urned around to face Maliha.

"Did you find them?" she asked.

"Yep! thanks love.." I said kissing her cheek then reaching down. I pulled one out if the tub then bit it..

"you're welcome..' she said kissing my lips gently.

I hugged tightly, probablly to the point where it was huring her, but she didn't complain.. Man, I never want to let her go.. I thought to myself.

"I'm gonna miss you.." she wispered into out hug..

"yeah, me too.." I wispered back..

"Unless.." I said smiling..

"Louis, I already told you that I am going to stay with Kirstin.. I mean, someone has to.." she said sererating the hug..

"I thought that her mum and brother were going to stay with her.." I said confused..

"No, she cant! Her mum can help out but she has to stay away from jesse.." she said a little scared.

"Why?" I asked.

"You can't tell Liam because kirstin doesn't want him to knkow, but.. When Kirstin was 16 she had a miscarage..." She said.

"How?" I asked curiously..

"Her brother, jesse, he found out that she was pregnant and so he beet the crap out of the dad and Kirstin, Thats how she had the miscarage..." she explained.

"Wow... Well, Enough with the depressing stuff." I said turning maliha around..

"What are you doing?" she asked as I ate the last of the carrot.

I didn't say anything. I put the blind fold on her head and guided her to the upstairs hallway. See, maliha is an artist and she has given me some of her paintings. So.... I used one of the spare rooms to set up an are studio! We got to the fron of the hall as I took the blind fold off. I put a giant red bow on th front of the door. she turned and looked at me..

"Why are we up here?" she asked..

"You see the door with the red bow? Go open it.." I wispered in her ear, turning her twords the door.

she took a couple steps forward and opened the door.

"Oh my gosh! Louis did you do this?" she asked hugging me.

"Yeah.. so if you and kirstin come over here or something and you want to paint then you can just come up her.." I said happily.

"Thank you Louis. you have no Idea how much this means to me." she said then kissed me.

"You're welcome love.." I said after we sererated the kiss.

I pulled out my phone to see the time. I texted Liam to let him know that there was only an hour until we had to be at the airport.

"We will have to leave in an hour.." I sighed.

Maliha didn't say anything. but then all of the sudded she pulled me int her art studio.

"WHy are we in here?" O asked..

"You're gonna paint me and I'm gonna paint you." she said grabbing a couple paint brushes.

She grabbed a canvas and a paint tray. she got out some paint and pulled me over to her.

"I cant paint.." I said shyly.

"Just focus on what you want to paint in you head. Its easy.." she said grabbing some brown and squirting it on the tray.

she dipped her brush in it, looked up to me and then to the canvas. she put 5 streecks of paint on the canvas then dipped her brush again. I picked up the black and brown to mix together for maliha's hair. I squerted it onto my tray and mixed it with my brush. I took it and made a single stroke. I looked over to where maliha was with me and she had already finished my hair and started on my face. I mane a couple other strokes on the canvas and dips into my point then started on her face. I did her eyes then nose, mouth neck and finally torso. Maliha was wearing a purple half shirt that had 'love' writen on it in cusive, so thats what I painted her in. I also put a necklace on her with a heart on it. Maliha painted me in my favorite shirt, the white one with navy blue stripes. she stopped painting, satisfide with her work. I loooked over and it was like I was looking in amirror! she truly was an amazing artist. I finished my said then took a step back..

"wow, It looks almost exactally like me! and you said you couldn't paint.." she said nudgging my side..

"I didn't know I could until now.." I said in disbeliefe that I actually painted that....

"Is that me today?" she asked..

"yeah, why?" I asked.

"Im not wearing a necklace.." she said as i walked behind her..

I placed the necklace on her neck.. It was the one I had painted her with..

"Now you are.." I wispered on her neck.. I softly kissed her neck after I clipped it.

she tuned aroud and looked at me.. "Its beautiful Louis.. thank you." she said

"you're welcome..." I said softly and Kinda sad..


A/N: okay so I have appsolutly no idea how the story is going because NO ONE WILL COMENT TO TELL ME!!!!:( well if you guys can, please comment and tell me how you like the story so far!!! btw.. if you guy are like "wtf is she really writing this or does she even know what shes doin?" well i do.. I already have this story figured out and I know exactly how Im going to write it!! hehe okay well what do you guys think Louis is sad about.. well it is kinda obvious to me so ya know.. this isnt the last update today.. there will be another one later.. but right now i have to do the dishes so yeah..... three updates in one day!. WHOOP WHOOP!!! well.... bye lovelys!!!! xD

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