Chapter 40 - Crash and Burn Part 3

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A/N: Okay I realize that I said that there would be four parts but then this one would be REALLY short... SOOOOOOO, Im doing three parts of the Crash And Burn. Enjoy this chapter and we are on to the story....



Kirstin's P.O.V.

I was in the middle of a wedding... I'm a photographer and today I was doing a wedding... When I got back into the office this morning my assistant already had me booked for it. I took a couple months off from work when I found out that I was Pregnant, so I had some really disappointed customers. I was snapping pictures when I got a text.

Maliha: Harry & Erin got into a car crash.. Come quick!!!

I put my phone back in my pocket and told my assistant to take over. She nodded and grabbed the camera.


I got back to the office and Susie, my manager, walked up to me...

"Liam Payne is here and he is asking for you..." she sais curious

"Okay.. Can you tell him to come back? I have to get my things.." I said as she nodded her head..

"How do you know him? I've been out of the fandom for a while..." She asked

I pulled her to the side before whispering, "He's the father of my baby and my Fiancé" I said excitedly.

"Oh. My. God... No way!!!" She screamed..

"Yes.. But don't tell anyone about the Fiancé part... The fans don't know yet..." I said and she nodded.

At that moment Liam walked up to me with tears in his eyes. I tilted my head to the office and we walked in with tears in his eyes. I tilted my head to the office and we walked in.

" Harry's fine .... he just has a scratch.. But,.." He said pausing for a while as a tear streamed down mine and his face. We walked into my office then he sniffed and added, "Erin is in surgery.."

I turned away trying to hold back the tears, I was leaning on my desk with my arms crossed. Liam walked up to me and hugged me tightly. I hugged back and sobbed loudly. I looked to my door and saw Susie standing there with a worried look. I separated the hug and looked up to Liam.

"She'll make it..." He said softly then he kissed me.

Erin's P.O.V.

I woke up to a blinding light. I moved my left arm to see a pink cast on it. I looked to my right and saw Harry sitting there holding my hand... He had his head ducked, Crying?

"Harry?" I weakly asked.

He shot up and looked at me with his puffy eyes, he had a giant smile on his face. He hugged me softly and sniffled.

"I'm so sorry." He said softly

"For what babe? And how did I get in the hospital?" I asked rubbing my head with the hand that wasn't broken...

I looked down and saw the I.V. needle in my arm. I automatically turned to the side of my bed and threw up in the trashcan. I always had a thing for needles... They just freak me out...

"Babe? You okay?" Harry asked as he grabbed my hair holding it back, holding it back.

"Yeah... I just cant stand needles" I said whipping the corner of my mouth.

"No, not that... You don't remember the car crash?" He asked curious.

"What car crash?!?! All I remember was eating dinner yesterday." I added

At that moment a nurse walked in and smiled at me. Harry stood up to talk to her.

"She cant remember anything from dinner last night to now..." Harry told the nurse.

"Uh-Oh.. That's not good.. Would you like anything Ms. Frayer?" The nurse asked looking to me.

"Umm.. Can I get an Orange Popsicle?" I asked with a grin.

"Yes, here in a bit." She said then she turned to harry. "We are going to go ahead and give her a cat scan. You can wait in the waiting room and you could get her that popsicle, if you like." She told him as he was sitting there with a worried look.

"Okay." He said as his voice cracked. He sounded like he was going to cry again. He helped me up and into the wheel chair.

"I love you.." He said kissing my forehead.

"I love you too, Harry." I said trying to distract myself from the nurse dis-connected the I.V. from my arm.

The nurse wheeled me away and into the cat scan room as Harry went and got my that popsicle. As I sat in the giant machine the doctor kept telling me to stop moving. I did as told, then a short while after I got out.

"Well you will have amnesia.. but other than that you're perfectly fine." she said with a smile.

She took me back to my room, where Harry was waiting with a bouquet of red roses with gold tips in one hand and a popsicle in the other. I stood up from the wheel chair, thankfully the doctors put a brace on my leg that allowed me to walk, and I walked up to him. He looked up to me then stood up off the bed and kissed me, then he hugged me tight.

"I'm so sorry love... Please forgive me?" He said separating the hug, and handing me the flowers.

"What am I forgiving you for?" I asked confused, taking the popsicle with my other hand.

"Do you not remember our fight?" He asked just as confused as me.

"No.." I said licking the popsicle.

"Oh... Okay." He said scratching the back of his neck.

"Why were we fighting?" I asked him sternly.

"Umm.." He said nervously

"Harold." I warned

"Okay. The producers said when we do the next concert that I had to bring a girl up out of the crowd and sing to her when we were singing "what makes you beautiful" and that I had to kiss her and you got mad then we started to drive to the management building to talk to Simon, then we got into the crash..." he explained nervously.

"oh..." I said sitting the flowers in a vase, I took the last bite of the popsicle and turned to the nurse. "When can I leave?" I asked.

"ummm... you can leave now but I'll have to show you how to take off that brace..." she said pointing to my leg...

"okay.." I said and I sat down on my bed.

she showed me how to then Harry helped me get dressed and put the brace back on. We walked into the waiting room and we saw everyo0ne standing there with Paul just a few feet away. They got up and hugged me and we all went back to Louis and Harry's flat.


A/N: hey guys... so I'm gonna put the pics of everyone on the side.. We kind of forgot the password to our instagram soooo.. yeah, they'll be on the side..

OMFG!!!!! MANAGMENT IS PISSING ME OFF!!!!!!!! #LetNiallSing!!!!!!! WE LOVE YOU NIALL!!!!

Sorry. just had to add that in there...

ASDFGHJKL;!!!! 290 READS!! I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH!!! I remember being excited for 20!! aghh thank you guys so much for reading and supporting.... :) we love you so much...

What do you guys think Erin will do about what management is doing???? aghhh I cant wait for the next few chapters.... okay well bye lovelies....

PS i will have the pics upon facebook page called

We are directioners

the pics will be on there i well say what they are of and more .

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