Chapter 44 - Closed doors.

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Harry's P.O.V.

As I carried Erin threw the crowd she started to squirm.

"I wanna play twister!" She screamed and I laughed.

"Erin you can't play twister. You have a broken arm and a brace on your leg." I said and she huffed.

"Fine lets go home." She said crossing her arms.

I laughed then started to walk to the door. We got to the door and the bouncer opened the door for us. I nodded my head, thanking him. I sat Erin down on the sidewalk then I told Erin to jump on my back.


"Because we're both to drunk to drive and the flat is just a block away." I slurred and she laughed.

She jumped up and wrapped her legs around my waist as I held onto her legs.

"Onward curly haired unicorn!" She yelled as I started to jog down the sidewalk

--**__Louis' P.O.V.__**--

After Maliha and I had enough to drink we decided to go home. When we got into the door and Maliha literally attacked me with kisses. I didn't take any time to kiss her back. I turned us around and I pushed her to the door. She slowly pushed off my jacket and then started to unbutton my shirt. I started walking us back to the closest room that was down the hall... On the way there we striped all of our clothes. The room had a desk so I sat Maliha down on it. Harry and I agreed that all the rooms, even the guest rooms, would have gloves in the right bedside table so I went to the drawer and then grabbed one. I turned back to Maliha who was looking around the room. She was so beautiful. I walked up to her and put myself in the position in between her legs. I pushed my lips to hers as she ran her hand through my hair. I took a step back and put on the glove then looked back to her, a grin playing on my lips. She pulled me in and kissed my lips, not hesitating to slip her tongue in. She separated the kiss then looked around.

"Did you hear that?" She asked pushing me back a bit and standing up.

"No..." I said as she looked up at me.

"Good." She grinned pushing me back into the bed.  She crawled up to me then her face met mine. She had her legs on either side of my waist. She pushed her lips back onto mine. Just then the door flung open with a drunken Erin and Harry standing at the door.

**--__Erin's P.O.V.__--**

Harry sat me down when we got home and I took off my flats. I turned back to Harry as he looked back to me. I tried to get taller to get taller to kiss him but my leg made it impossible. He noticed my struggle so he pulled me up by my waist and I wrapped my legs around him the best I could. He kissed my lips softly as we walked down the hallway. All of the sudden he stumbled forward and we both fell.

"Owie!" I whined as Harry picked me up.

"Sorry love. " he said kissing my forehead.

"What's up with the clothes?"

"Let's follow it! It could be an adventure!" Harry yelled jokingly as he pulled me along the hall. We walked down the hall until the trail stopped at Harry's bedroom door, which had his light beaming through it. Harry slowly opened the door for us to see Maliha ontop if Louis and both of them were half naked.

"Ahh!" I screamed burying my head in Harry's chest, "My virgin eyes!" I added, instantly regretting it. I could feel Harry's laugh at my words.

Louis and Maliha both got up real fast saying "sorry" as they walked past. I giggled as Harry shut the door then walked over to his bed so he could take off his sheets and change them into a fresh pair. He threw them into the laundry basket then grabbed another set off of his desk. He placed them on his bed then fixed his pillows. I walked over to his wardrobe and searched for a T-shirt. I grabbed his Rolling Stones T-shirt then took off my dress and put it on. I turned around to see Harry smiling at me cheekily.

"That was a nice show." He said getting closer, "Plus you look really sexy in my clothes." He added as one of the side rolled off my shoulder.

He stepped closer, hugging me tightly and I hugged him back. He brought his plump pink lips down to my ear.

"And you're all mine." He whispered, sending shivers down my spine.

He kissed my cheek then looked back to my eyes. Our faces just a few inches away and Harry had his hand on my waist, holding me in place. He leaned in and gave me a small kiss on the lips. When I pulled away I saw two bright metal orbs staring at me.


"Yes Harry?"

"I love you, so much." He said with a twinkle in his eye. My heart fluttered at his words. I knew he was IN love with me, I just didn't know he loved me, and trust me, they are two, VERY, diffrent things.

"I love you too Harry." I said bringing my hand to his curls. He kissed me again, but more pationatly. I kissed him back then he separated it and smiled.

"Let's go to bed." He said and I smiled. I turned off the light as he stripped down to his boxers.

We crawled in the sheets and then slowly drifted to a peaceful sleep.

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