Chapter 13 - 1 Month later

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Liam's P.O.V.

I woke up and saw Kirstin still asleep next to me. It still amazed me at how beautiful she is. Her lips so pink, her skin just on the pale side and her long blond hair fell perfectly around her face. I could stare at her for hours, but we had been dating for a whole month and I wanted to do something special for her. I walked into the kitchen and made pancakes, eggs, bacon and toast. I made her a plate then I put a single ros for 1 month then I went and woke her up. I walked into the bedroom and she wasn't in bed anymore. I walked into the bathroom and saw hr putting on mascarra. Over the past month she has brought some of her things over here. I was standing in the mirror and I knew she could see me. My hair was still kinda messy and i was still in my boxers.

"Babe, come downstairs." I said as dhe turned around to face me.

"Okay." she said walking towrds m.

She grabbed my hand and twisted it around to where my palm was facng up. She kissed my plam slightly then place a rectangular box in my hand.

"for you." she wispered with a sweet smile.

I smiled back then said, "thanks babe." then kissed her cheek. I opened the box to revieal a rolex watch. I put it on then then kissed her softly.

"thank you Kirstin. But you really didn't have to get me anthing. You being here with me is enough." I said smiling.

"Awe. You're welcome babe, now lets go downstairs.. I smell bacon." she said grabbing my hand andanking me downstairs.

She walkd up tp the reackfast bar and saw the meal i made along with the rose and the card.

It read-


I made you this to show you my love, the rose represents this past month we hav spent together and the peddles represent the years in the future that I want to spend with you.


I could tell sh was done reading it whn she looked back up at me with a smile spread on her face. I could see happiness, Love, and passion in her eyes, they were just the most amazing blue eyes i had ever seen, well next to Niall's but he's a guy so.. yah know. I smied back lifting a bouquet of 12 flowers, 1 fake and 11 real. I handed it to her as she smiled.

"Kirstin, we have gotten to know eachother really well after this past month and my feelings for you have grone a trumendous amount. Kirstin, I'm in love with you, and I will love you until the last of these flowers die. Read the card." I said as she ust smiled even wider as she read the card. She looked up to me then hugged me tight.

"I love you to, Liam." she said as it made my heart flutter. she sat down and started to eat the food that i made her bout ten minutes ago, so i decided to go up stairs but before i did i rabbe lik three pieces of bacon off her plate. I got p stairs nd put on my t-shirt with the black sleeves and my jeans then brushed trough th little air i had. I walked back downstairs and saw Kirstin standing over the sink, apperantly she was already done. She was like Niall and Layce that way, give her anyfood nd she'll eat it in a matter of seconds. I walked up nehind her, Kissing her neck with my hands on her waist, as I did one month ago. sh turned around then colided her lips into mine.


A/N: okay i know what you guys are thinking.. but i dcided that i didn't want this one to be the dromatic one so im leaving you with this.. luckily for you i am updating again right after i post this because i have no life.. hehe :) lol and yes i know there is alot of Kiam going on right now but oh well there will be some other stuff. yah know like, Liha stuff,, ;)

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