Chapter 17 - Better than okay.

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A/N: Okay. that last chapter may have seemed like the shocker but it wasn't.. so bare with me here!! hehe well this chapter is like really short and I'm sorry about that.. then next one is gonna be really long pplus the shocker is coming up!! Read. Vote. Comment. <3


Liam's P.O.V.

I admit, when I first found out that Harry took my girlfriend vergenity I was pissed. But it was three years ago so I just let it go. As we walked over to the van after the consert the girls poped out of nowhere.

"Hey guys, wanna come to my flat?" Kirstin asked as they came up to us.

"Yeah why not, Hey babe." Erin said to Harry as I gritted my teeth. Okay so I'm still a little pissed.

We all got into Kirstin's Party van and she drove to her flat. When we got there all the girls went to the Kitchen and got some snacks.

"So what do you guys wanna do?" Louis asked eating a carrot.

"TOY STORY!!!" me and Kirstin yelled at the same tome.

"Ugh, fine put it in.." Maliha said

"Which one I have 1, 2 and 3." Kirstin said holding up the movies.

"Lets watch the first one.." I said. She put it in then came and sat right next to me. I looked around and noticed that everyone was making out with the exception of me and Kirstin and Zayn and Jasmine. I really think he got himself stuck in the friend zone. Zayn got up and turned off the light. After the movie was over we desided to play truth or dare.

"Harry truth or dare." I asked him.

"Truth." He spoke strongly.

"Is it true that you and Kirstin had sex?" I said as his face went blank and so did Kirstin's.

"What? That is rediculous!" Erin said laughing along with everyone but Harry, Kirstin, Maliha and myself.

"Let him speek for himself..." I said patiatly waiting then everyone got quiet..

"Harry? Did you?.." Erin asked "Oh my god..." she spoke after about a minute of silence. A tear streamed down her face then she looked to Kirstin.. "how could you?" She spoke quietly.

"it was fucking three years ago!! and really Liam.. now is the time you decide to ask him?" Kirstin said as I just looked down. "I think you guys should go home. Here maliha.. catch.." She added throughing maliha the keys to the van. "You can drive my van.." and then she walked to the bedroom and locked the door..

"I'm sorry, Kirstin please let me in.." I said after everyone left.

I heared the door Klick unlock then she opened it.. I walked into the room and we went to sleep.

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