Chapter 28 - Its a What?!?!

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Liam's P.O.V.

I was sitting on the couch and Kirstin had fallen asleep on my shoulder. About two hours after she passed out, her phone went off. It was an alarm for the appointment. Kirstin jumped up and then sat back down.

"Have a nice nap?" I asked with a grin.

"Yeah.. Why?" she asked me.

"You kept on saying my name.." I said with a grin...

"Oh.." she said, blushing.

The alarm went off again and I stood up. I helped Kirstin get up and she grabbed her purse.

"Time to go!!" she yelled to everyone that was downstairs.

Everyone ran into the livingroom and grabbed their bags and stuff. I grabbed the keys to the van and we all left. On our way there Kirstin started to hum a tune. Then all of the sudden, when Kirstin stopped, Niall started to whistle it. Kirstin turned around and looked at him like he was crazy.

"How do you know that song?" she asked him.

"My mom used to sing it to me at night.. how do you know it?" he asked back.

"Well, when I was little... My father died in a construction acciadent.. I had a best friend and when I was sad about it he would sing me that song.. But then, my mom couldn't handle the preasure of being in our old house so we moved away and I never saw him again.." She explained in her sweet Irish accent I missed so much.

"Kirstin..... That was me..." Niall wispered.

"WHAT?!" she yelled.

"But... If you're Irish then why is your name German?" Zayn asked.

"Well.. My dad is half German but my mom is full Irish.. Im more Irish than German.." She explained.

"So you're telling me, that we have been dating for five months and there is a baby in your tummy that is mine.. And I had no idea that you were Irish or German?!" I asked as we pulled up to the hospital.

"Apperantly so.." she said as we all got out..


I sat there quietly looking at the screen as the doctor guided the wand over Kirstin's stomach.. All of the sudden the doctor Stopped and looked up at us..

"well, The baby is very healthy... would you like to know the sex?" She asked us with a happy smile..

"Well..." Kirsitn said looking up at me. I nodded with a smile as she looked back at the doctor. "Yes please!!" she said witha grin.

"Well... its going to be a beautiful baby girl..." the doctor said handing kirstin a napkin.

"Yay!!" Kirstin said hugging me.

"Secretly.. I wanted a girl." I chuckled into her hair.

God! I missed her so much! It sucks because we only get a week to spend together and then I have to go back on tour..

"Come on! Lets go tell everyone!" she said hopping up and walking into the waiting room. "Its a girl!" she said as everyone hugged us.

Niall suddenly got the urge to eat as much hospital food as he could, so we went down to the cafiteria. As we walked, my hand was intertwined with Kirstin's and her other one was on her bump. We sat down at a table then Kirstin got kinda... Quiet.

"Hey...' I said grabbing her hand from acrossed the table. "I think we should move in together.."

"Yeah.. OKay, where?" seh asked.

"My place, your place.. anywear really.. as long as I can come home and have my two girls there waiting for me." I said with a smile.

She stayed quiet for a little bit, just staring at me as she smiled. But then... All of the sudden she said, "Your place.. most of my crap is there anyways.." she grinned.

"Okay... and tonight... I wanna play scrabble..." I said with a big smile.

"okay??" she said laughing at me..

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