1: Scammer

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The bodyguard opened the door of the hotel room while the middle aged man entered inside with his other bodyguard following him.

The middle aged man nodded at one of his bodyguard and he nodded back before talking to his transmetre. "Sir just left the basement bar and is on the fourteenth floor. After checking this area it seems clear. Copy and check."

He said and went outside of the hotel room before entering the elevator and getting inside it. The man placed his briefcase on the table in the living room and opened it to see some documents, bundles of cash and a can of tear gas.

He nodded in satisfaction and looked at the bodyguard who smiled at him. They nodded to each other and then the man closed the briefcase.

He walked over to the bedroom and his bodyguard followed him to do a last check about the security.

He turned the lights on and both of them gasped seeing a girl sitting on the couch beside the huge glass window in the bedroom.

The bodyguard immediately took his gun out as a reflex and pointed it at her but she didn't faze. The man stopped his bodyguard telling him to keep the gun down and looked at the girl.

She was wearing a red ruched bodycon dress till her mid thighs and red pumps on her feet. Her hair was jet black and long with fringes making her look hot yet cute.

The man licked his lips looking at her from top to bottom and smirked. "Who are you?" He asked but his eyes landed on the vanity bag beside her.

"Be good and hand me over there bag." He said. The girl gladly extended her hand to get a hold of the bag and handed it to the man.

He checked inside the bag but gulped his saliva taking out leather cuffs and a choking gag from the bag. He looked at the girl and then at his guard.

"Do you know how I like it?" He asked and the girl leaned her body forward exposing her cleavage to them. "I definitely do, sir. I know that you like it rough and hard."

"Sir, I know how much you love foreplay but this doesn't seem fine-"
"I'll handle things from here. Get out." The man stopped his guard and he rolled his eyes before getting out of the hotel room.

"No matter what you hear from outside. You're not supposed to get in." He screamed at his guard who locked the door and stood in front of it to guard it from outside.

"How did you get in though?" He asked she she showed him the spare key pass while smirking. "It's pretty amazing how a gorgeous face and pretty smile can get you keys you someone's room." She said.

"Would you like some champagne?" He asked but she shook her head. "Did the agency tell you how I like my encounters?"

"As long as there are no bites, cuts or bruises. I'm not worried." She said but he instantly took out his gun and her smile dropped.

He pointed out to her and smirked at her. "Well, you should be. I know everything about you, Rose. The famous con artist. Scammed so many people and ran away with their money. I feel quite insulted to see that you thought I'll fall for such an easy game like this, Rose. The idea of taking someone like you down is better than sex."

"Well, I wish that the pleasure will be all yours, sir." She said sternly.

"Such a waste of beauty. You're quite an exquisite creature. Take your weapon out and slide it towards me." He ordered.

She looked at him blankly before reaching for the garter in her thigh within her dress. She took out the gun while he licked his lips seeing her smooth skin. She placed the gun and skid it towards him.

He took a hold of the gun and smiled at her. "I would like to have some of that champagne now." She said seriously and he looked at the table with the bottle of champagne on it.

"Help yourself. But of course, my dear, no funny business." He said gripping the gun tightly while pointing it at her. She stood up and walked over to the table.

She took the bottle and touched the cork with her fingers. She turned back to face the bottle towards the man but he gripped the gun tighter.

"Oh please, put that way from me." He said and rolled his eyes while she turned to face the wall in front of her with the bottle in her hand. She angled it perfectly and smirked while he said.

"I can see you coming from a mile away—"

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