11: Trio

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"Babe! Police are here. Jump from the back window! Quick!" Jungkook says through her earpiece and she looks at the corpse blankly before going towards the window.

She spots Taehyung standing below the window waving a claw carabiner rope at her and she extends her hand. He throws the rope at her and she catches it without fail.

Taehyung smirks and she unties it and hooks the claw at window sill and holds the smooth rope before using it to slide down. Taehyung opens his arms and quickly catches her once she is closer to the ground.

She pulls the rope and the claw falls from the ground. Yoongi pokes his head out of the window and spots them and his eyes widen.

"Agents! Head towards the backyard. They are there!" He screams when Aoi and Taehyung smile and run over to the car.

They jump over the fence and enter the car and Jungkook starts driving it. "Any information?" Taehyung asked but Aoi sighs and shakes her head.

"This is the second time we didn't get anything. Should we move on to the next target?" He asks and Taehyung nods. "Why do you look so confused, babe?"

"They say I did something bad, Then why's it feel so good?" She asks and Taehyung looks at her. Jungkook peeks at her through the mirror. "Did you kill him?" Taehyung asks and she nods.

Jungkook and Taehyung burst out in laughter while she glared at them. "Sorry but you did great killing them. Did you have fun?" Jungkook asks while driving.

"Most fun I ever had, And I'd do it over and over and over again if I could. It just felt so good." She replies and Taehyung places his hand over hers.

"So you're back with us?" Taehyung asks and she looks at him. "No, I'm going back to Jimin's."

Taehyung leaves her hand while clenching his jaws. "Why, Aoi? You know he'll find you being a con artist! Do you think he'll spare you?"

Aoi keeps quiet while Jungkook was silent watches the two argue at the back. "Seriously?"

"What?" she scowls at him.

"You slept with the agent?"

"I did not-"

"But why didn't you tell me that?" Jungkook asks while glaring at the mirror.

"Why did you sleep with him? Why didn't you tell me that?" Even though Taehyung knows the answer he asks.

"We're friends." Jungkook says. She rolls her eyes.

"Yeah, sure, but-" Taehyung gets cut off.

"And we don't do jealously. " She reminds him and continues. "Are you jealous?"

"Do you want me to be?" he asks, his eyes deeply staring into hers.

"No," she lies. But yes.

Shit. Why does she want them to be jealous over Jimin? Maybe, that'll mean Jimin as someone special in her life.

"Okay, then why are you telling me?" "Because we're friends!" She yells.

"Okay, friend," Taehyung says it like it's a swear word. "I'm really glad you had sex with a super hot agent this week."

"Taehyung, don't be angry. She is not ours." Jungkook reminds him but Taehyung rolls his eyes. "We both know that I have a thing for both of you. I'm attracted to both of you. We are certainly not friends!"

Jungkook stops the car with a screech and turns around with big eyes. Aoi looks at Taehyung in shock recalling his words just now. "You like me?" Aoi asks. Taehyung looked away.

"That's fine! He can like you but Taehyung likes me?" Jungkook questions loudly. Taehyung glares at him. "Are you making fun of my feelings right now, Kook?"

"Wait! I don't understand! Whom does Taehyung like? You or me?" Aoi asks Jungkook. "Babe! He's into threesomes! He wants both of us!"

Aoi gapes and looks at Taehyung's flushed cheeks right now. "Well, I'm actually attracted to Jungkook. But I don't want to let you go as well." He says, looking at Aoi.

"What the fuck? My hot friend had a crush on me and why didn't I know? Jungkook screams while Aoi chuckles at Taehyung.

"Are you sure you like me? Or you're just used to seeing me around." She asks Taehyung softly. "I like you. Both you and Jungkook."

"Taehyung," Jungkook calls out and he looks at him, "you are not sure yourself."

"I-I'm sure." He says. Jungkook shakes his head. "Kiss Aoi right now." Jungkook announces.

"What?" Both Aoi and Taehyung jump in surprise while screaming. They look at each other nervously and then glare at Jungkook.

"Just because you can kiss and fuck with everyone in this world doesn't mean it's easy for me!" Taehyung barks and Aoi agrees with him.

"Just kiss and confirm your feelings. I was confused as well. I kissed and confirmed mine. I like her but as a soulmate. Not sexually. " Jungkook says and Taehyung gasps.

"You've kissed her already?"

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