24: Rogue

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Jimin looked at both of them and then at Aoi who was waving her hand to ignore them.

"Hey! You! Ungrateful girl! We bought you a dress and you're telling your boyfriend to ignore me?" Taehyung screamed.

"You mean brought from someone else—" Jungkook was hit on his chest this time by Taehyung and Jimin blushed at them calling him 'boyfriend'.

Aoi walked over to Yoongi and Jimin with a gun in her hand. "We need to go to the fourth floor. The money is there. I'll give you cover, all of you take the stairs and I'll take most of the attention to the elevator."

She says and was about to walk towards the door but Jimin held her wrist. "You can't go alone. I'll be with you."

She sighed and looked over at Taehyung and Jungkook. "You can't go there, babe! There are so many of them and they all have weapons."

"Listen to me, Yoongi and I will take the elevator. You three take the stairs and reach earlier." She said, assembling her gun and Yoongi nodded.

"Why not me?" Taehyung and Jimin asked in unison and then exchanged glances. "Three of you are fast runners and as for this guy . . ." Aoi paused and looked at Yoongi glaring at her.

"Let's go!" Yoongi said and walked towards the door. Aoi smiled and followed him. Both of them stood behind the door.

"Take care, sugar." Jimin said and Aoi turned to look at him before nodding. "Take care, Yoongi." Jungkook said.

"I don't fucking need your take care." Yoongi snarled and Jungkook rolled his eyes. Aoi chuckled at them and held Yoongi's wrist.

He looked up at her and both of them nodded before opening the door and running away. The men started running behind them and started shooting.

Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook nodded and walked out of the kitchen and towards the staircase. They climbed till the fourth floor and look at the huge corridor with rooms.

"Oh, fuck it! Now which one has the money?" Taehyung sneered and Jimin spoke. "The first rooms have staff quarters and security control rooms. They would have it somewhere in the end ones. Follow me."

They held the gun in their hands and slowly walked towards the end of the corridor when they saw a man entering a room with two men. "Let's follow them. Keep your guns inside and do you guys have masks?"

Taehyung and Jungkook nodded before keeping their guns inside and covering half of their faces with masks led by Jimin. They entered the room and their eyes widened to see so many businessmen, famous personalities and government officials in the room.

The men held briefcases and all of them wore black masks. They silently stood behind one of the people and nodded at each other. Three more people entered the room.

Suddenly there were claps heard in the room. Jimin looked around and saw a man wearing a hat and suit with a cigar in his mouth entering the room with 6 bodyguards.

"That's it. We have successfully gathered here in time and we shall start the main event of tonight." The man said.

"Where is the property?" The suited man who entered last asked the man with the hat and he chuckled. "Why are you so eager, Mr. Paul. Let me introduce myself first."

The man took off his hat and Jimin's eyes opened wide at the sight of the man. "Agent Wooshik!" He whispered and Jungkook and Taehyung looked at him.

Jimin looked at them ago." He mumbled lowly but none of them showed any changes in their expressions.

"My name is Leo. I'm here with the biggest offer for you. I hope you all are ready to place your bids. We will stop the trade once the price reaches 50 Million dollars." Wooshik said and Jimin rolled his eyes at his fake name.

"What are they placing bids for?" Jimin murmured to himself when the door opened and more than 30 girls were forced to enter the room.

They were looking helpless and some were even crying while being forced to stay there by the men. Wooshik chuckled and walked over to the girls.  "These are the beauties for tonight. Pay for them and they will permanently be yours."

Jimin frowned when realisation hit him. He looked over at Taehyung before saying.

"They are trading girls. Girls trafficking!"

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