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Namjoon showed the picture of Wooshik on the display screen with Suho, Richard and other pictures surrounding it. "This is the main target. 2 months from now. The Gayo will be holding their annual ball and Wooshik who is known as Leo in the underworld will use this event to trade women."

"Women?" Taehyung asked and Namjoon nodded. "Yes, that's why I asked for your help, Tae."

Taehyung nodded and looked at Jungkook and Aoi entered the room with Jin. "Hello, Namjoon!" Jungkook said while blushing.

"Sit!" Jin hissed at Jungkook who glared at him. Aoi chuckled and took a seat beside Taehyung who smiled at her.

"So? Why did you call us, Namjoon?" Aoi asked. "Well, I need your help." He said eyeing Jungkook and her.

"Of course! You are practically our family. What kind of help, Daddy?" Jungkook screamed and Aoi smacked his arm.

"Sure, Namjoon. We will do our best to help. If you and Taehyung didn't rescue us from the orphanage then we would've died there starving." Aoi said.

"Yes, because of your training we became so strong and smart." Jungkook said when Jin hit his head. "What about the birthday meal that I give you every year?"

"That's your wish. I don't ask for it." Jungkook argued but Namjoon paused them.

"Okay listen. Let's be serious. There's an Agent in KIA who went rogue. I want the three of you to terminate them," Namjoon said pointing at the pictures of others and then at Wooshik, "and him."

"Nice," Jungkook said and Aoi was listening carefully. "But there's a twist."

"What is that?" Taehyung asked while frowning. "You'll be undercover secret agents pretending to be con artists." Namjoon replied.

"Awesome!" Aoi clapped and Jungkook and Taehyung looked at her in shock. "What?"

"Why do you look so happy?" Taehyung asked her. "We get to be bad legally! Isn't it awesome?"

Jin sighed and Namjoon chuckled shaking his head. "And another thing is that . . ."

"Is what, Namjoon?" Taehyung asked and Namjoon shifted uncomfortably. "There will be government agents behind you."

"What? But we are working for the government!" Jungkook yelled. "Yeah, they are working for the government. Why would you do that?" Jin joined.

"They are not working for the government. You see these people," Namjoon said pointing at some of the pictures on the clipboard beside the display, "Wooshik sold the antiques from the government treasury to these people. And I want you to scam them and bring our items back."

"So all of this is for you? Not KIA?" Taehyung asked in disbelief. "Yes. Your names will be V, JK and Rose."

"I cannot risk the life of my precious people because of you-"
"It's okay. We will do it. Right, Jungkook?" Aoi cut Taehyung off and Jungkook looked at her with shaky eyes.

"Jungkook?" Aoi called out, swinging her eyes, knitting her brows to press on Jungkook who sighed, giving up. "Alright. I'm in."

Namjoon smiled and Jin shook his head. Taehyung scoffed before getting up from the seat and exciting the room. "Don't worry, we'll convince him. Right, babe?"

Aoi nodded and walked out of the room with Jungkook. Jin stood up. "But I want at least one Government agent to be in it and help them. We can't just leave these kids to do all the work by themselves!"

"I'll ask Agent Hoseok for some help." Namjoon said and Jin's eyes lit up. "Jwae-Hope?"

Meanwhile Taehyung was stomping his feet while boiling in rage walking towards the washroom. Jungkook quickly jogged up to him with Aoi following him.

"Hey, Taehyung. Let's just help him. We are Secret agents anyway, we won't get harmed." Jungkook tried to convince him and Taehyung paused before facing him as Aoi reached them. Slow runner.

"Oh yeah? Last time you got shot, Jungkook! I'm not taking any more risks here." Taehyung said and turned to walk away and Jungkook started running again.

Aoi sighed and shook her head before jogging behind them again when someone nudged her shoulder causing her to jerk back.

"I'm sorry." She bowed and apologised before running towards Jungkook again.

The man frowned at the running girl and crouched down when he spotted something on the ground. He picked it up and read the information from the ID card.

"Lee Aoi. Korean Secrets Intelligence Agency." Jimin mumbled while reading it and then looked in the direction at where Aoi just went. "She dropped it."

He looked at the card again and then in the picture. "She looks so beautiful and sounded sweet. Like sugar."

I did something Bad || Park Jimin ✓Where stories live. Discover now