14: Revealed

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Jimin walks over to the room where Yoongi called him earlier. He smiles to himself and enters the room.

Yoongi looks up from his laptop and rolls his eyes. "You're late."

Jimin giggles but moves to his side. "Sorry I was busy with my love."

"Is she your girlfriend?" Yoongi asks but Jimin pouts. "Not yet but we are progressing quickly."

"Did you get your dick sucked? Or was it inside her? Why do you look like it is something related to your dick satisfaction?"

"Shut up. We didn't even make out. We just had soft moments like cuddling and kissing. Nothing more. But still I'm happy with her. I know I'm so in love with her." Jimin says thinking about Aoi.

Yoongi rolls his eyes and takes a hold of the envelope. He takes out the pictures and places them in front of Jimin.

"Apparently, things are easier for us in some way." Yoongi says and Jimin frowns as he continues. "The people who escaped yesterday after killing Suho and the con artists we are looking for are the same."

"What?" Jimin gapes with huge eyes and Yoongi nods. "We found a footage at the backyard of Suho's house. And the lady who was scammed by the con artists gave us the footage. I stabilised the footages and printed out the pictures of the three."

Yoongi pushes a picture in front of Jimin. "This is JK. The guy who gets his way with girls and boys. He's good at fighting. He's the charmer of the group."

He moves on to slide the next picture in front of Jimin. "This is V. The serious guy in the group. He is very focused and good at making weapons. He's the cold prince of the group."

"These are the two boys. What about the other one?" Jimin asks analysing the pictures. Yoongi finally slides the pictures in front of Jimin but his eyes widen.

"Rose. The mastermind of the group. Good at playing with people's hearts and minds. Extremely beautiful and has steel personality. No one can resist her. The ace and probably the youngest in the group."

Jimin brings the picture in front of his face and looks at Yoongi. "She is a con artist?" Yoongi nods. "She was the one who was found in the dashcam footage of Suho's car. She brought him back to the home. She's the one who shot him. V was seen her helping to escape and JK drove them away from the scene."

"No! This cannot happen. You must have been mistaken." Jimin remarks keeping the picture and looking at Yoongi. "Do you have the video?"

Yoongi nods and clicks something on his laptop. Jimin watches the footage of her. She was wearing the same sundress that Jimin bought her. He was trying to hold in tears.

Jimin gritted his teeth and fisted his hands. Trying to control his anger. "Are you sure, Yoongi?"

"Do I have a reason to be wrong? Why are you so hyped up though?"

"Because she is the girl I was talking about a few minutes ago. The one I love." Yoongi's eyes widen in shock. "The girl you rescued from the-"

"Yes, her! She was the one who passed out!" Jimin yells and rubs his face. "Wait! You took the briefcase with the names and information of the two people back to your home. She was there and now Suho is dead! That means there next target will be . . ."

Jimin nods looking at Yoongi with red eyes. "I got scammed. She lied to me. She used me." Jimin says in a broken voice. Yoongi's eyes soften and he places his hand over his shoulder.

"Did she make you feel used?" Jimin shakes his head, fighting with tears. "All stories are made of both truths and lies. What matters is the way that believe in them."

Jimin looks up at him. "But the truth is in front of us." Yoongi sighs. "You said she's in your home. Let's go back there first. We need to check something, right?"

Jimin nods before looking at the photos of Aoi on the table.

"I'll never let you win the game, sugar! I won't let you play with me."

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