7: Dinner

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Jimin unlocked his apartment and went inside but his eyes fell upon the girl who was curled up on the couch, deep asleep.

He looked around but his eyes widened to see the apartment so clean. His eyes landed on the dining table where the food was served but covered.

Jimin looked back at Aoi and smiled warmly. He walked up to her and kept the briefcase on the coffee table next to the couch.

He knelt in the ground beside her and placed a chaste kiss on her forehead, then to her cheeks. He licked his lips contemplating whether to follow his heart but he bent more towards her lips.

He was just about to connect their lips but Aoi opened her eyes and he stopped right in front of her with puckered lips ready to kiss her. "You're back, Jimin."

She said before sitting up straight and completely ignoring the frozen Jimin still sitting there with pouted lips. She looked at him blankly and he cleared his throat before sitting beside her on the couch.

"I'm sorry, sugar. I just couldn't control myself-"
"It's alright. Did you have-"

"Alright? So that means I can kiss you?" Jimin asked in surprise and she turned to look at him with a bored expression. "Why are you so obsessed over a kiss?"

"Because it will be your first kiss, sugar. I want it to be special for you." He answered and she rolled her eyes. "What's so special about a kiss?"

"This shows that you haven't kissed someone. Wait do you even know how to kiss?" He questioned her with a teasing smirk and she glared at him. "I know."

"You don't-" Jimin was cut off when she placed her lips for a quick peck and pulled back. Jimin looked at her with widened eyes but she looked at him emotionlessly.

"I. Know." She said and was about to get up but Jimin held her arm and pulled her back in the couch before smashing his lips onto hers.

He pulled her closer, cupping her nape and tilting his face to kiss her deeply.

"Why aren't you kissing me back?" He asked her when he pulled away. Aoi quirked a brow, placing her hands on his face. "Because I don't know."

Jimin touched the fixture in her hair, adjusting it carefully so it would hold back the strands from her eyes. When he had it in place, he smoothed his hand along her neck.

"Did it feel good?" She just hummed at his question and then stood up. She eyed the briefcase and walked over to the dining table.

"Freshen up and I'll heat up the food for us." She said and Jimin chuckled before standing up and walking back to his bedroom.

He closed the door behind him and Aoi shut the microwave, turning it on. She looked at the briefcase and then at the bedroom door.

Aoi took slow steps towards it and looked back at the bedroom. She took out a pair of forensic gloves, she found from Jimin's shelves and wore it.

She opened the briefcase and saw that there were only some documents there. The money was gone. She cursed under her breath before taking her phone out and clicking the pictures of the documents.

She sent them over to Jungkook and then quickly shut the briefcase before taking off her gloves and sliding it at the corner of the couch.

Aoi stood up and walked over to the kitchen when the bedroom door opened revealing Jimin in a white t-shirt and shorts. She placed food on the table and Jimin took a seat while giving a sweet smile to Aoi.

"Thank you for cleaning the house and making the meal, sugar." He said and she nodded before sitting beside him.

They both started eating in silence and Jimin kept on taking glances at her from time to time. He leans down and kisses her on the forehead.

"I would never hurt you, okay? You can trust me." he says. "Never."

She nods and says nothing. "You make me really happy," his hand moves over her hair and he adds: "I love you, sugar. I'm not just saying that, I really do."

Aoi's eyes fill up with tears and she closes them. Even in memory she will find this moment un-bearably intense, and she's aware of this now, while it's happening.

She has never believed herself fit to be loved by any person. But now she has a new life, of which this is the first moment and even after many years have passed she will still think: Yes, that was it, the beginning of my life.

"I really love you, sugar. And I realise it more everyday."

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