4: KIA

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The girl blinked at him and gulped hard. "What is your name?" She questions back and he smiles.

"Park Jimin. I'm a government agent of a Korean Intelligent Agency, KIA. Nice to meet you, Sugar." He says extending his hand and her jaws drop.

"You're what?" She screams and Jimin flinches before standing up and fixing his shirt. "I'm a top level Agent of KIA. What is your name?" He asks.

She bites her lower lips and looks away from him. Jimin sighs and places his hand over her head. She turns to look at him but he flashes a warm smile at her.

"You can tell me, sugar. I won't harm you. I'll help you." He assures her with a warm look and she stare at him blankly. "Aoi."

"Aoi? That's so cute." He says before squishing her cheeks and she blushes but looks at him in disbelief. "But I shall call you Sugar."

She snacks his arms away from her face and sits up to get away but he wrapped his strong arms around her waist. He throws her back to the bed and she gapes at their proximity when he hovers over her.

"Sugar, do you have a place to stay? You said you didn't have parents. Are you going back to the same place from where you came from?" She presses his chest with her hands and frowns at him.

"Why are you interogating me-" "Answer me, Sugar."

"No. I don't have a place to live and yes I'm going back to the same place so move-"

"Stay with me," he says before leaning down to her. Her eyes widen but she feels weak under him. "Play with me."

She chokes under him before turning her head away from his face. While he smiles and places a soft kiss on her neck. "You are a cute girl."

He fixes her fringes and tucks her hair behind her ear while staring at her lovingly. She glares at him and tries to push him away.

"Why are you forcing yourself on me?" She asks and he chuckles. "I'm a gentleman. I would never force myself on you. It's just your . . ."

"Just my what?" She asks while squirming under him and he sighs. "Just your eyes. They seem to be asking me for help. It seems empty and devoid of warmth."

She stops moving and listens to his words blankly. "You'll regret it." She says lowly and he shakes his head. "If I regret helping you then so be it. Let me help you."

"Move, Jimin." She says and he gets up from the bed and stands beside it. "Jimin, you'll regret keeping me."

"I won't. Are you staying then?" He cuts her off and she pokes her tongue in the inner side of her cheeks. "Why are you doing this?"

"Doing what?" He asks with a frown. "Helping strangers."

"I had a little sister when I was young. But she got into drugs and died after a year. I couldn't help her. That's why I joined KIA. To catch smugglers and stop them from destroying the lives of youngsters.

You also seem to be associated with prostitution. But you still look like you don't know anything about these stuff. I don't want you to destroy your life for money. I'll help you."

She looks at him emotionlessly and says, "So I'm your sister?" Jimin instantly looks at her with an angry look.

"No! Never! I said that you remind me of my sister. I can't let you be my sister! Never!" He says, vigorously shaking his head.

"Don't you have a girlfriend?" She asks but he raises an eyebrow. "Nope. Never got attracted to one after last breakup." He says.

"Jimin-" "I'm seven years older than you. Call me Oppa." He says with a smirk. Aoi shakes her head and continues.

"Jimin, I'm sorry for your past but don't try to help me." She says and gets up. She takes off the robe before holding her bag and walking away.

Right when she walks past him, he grabs her wrist and she turns to look at him blankly. "One week. Just a week. Live with me. You don't even have a home to return and I don't want you to return to the prostitution club." He says and she narrows her eyes.

"Why are you so desperate to keep me with you?" She asks him. He bites his lips and leaves her hand. He looks down at the ground while mumbling.

"I don't know but I think I've fallen for you at first sight."

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