12: CCTV

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Jungkook shrugs at Taehyung's question. "I was confused too when Aoi said that she likes that Agent. So I took her to the washroom and kissed her. But then I realised that I don't like her as a lover. I'm more into guys."

"You're into guys?" Taehyung asks and Aoi squeezes her eyes shut. "Stop! What are we talking about?"

"So you don't like her?" Taehyung asks and Jungkook chuckles. "You don't need to have skinship to show your love to someone. You don't need to kiss or hug to love someone. You can do that by supporting them and being with them. We don't need to be her boyfriends to love her."

"Yes, we are soulmates!" Aoi raises her hands in the air. Taehyung scoffs and looks at them in disbelief. "Do I still get a kiss?"

"Whose? Mine or hers?" Jungkook asks with a cheeky grin and Taehyung smacks his face. "I'm talking about Aoi, dick head."

"We are just so used to seeing each other since our childhood that we think that we love each other romantically." Jungkook says while rubbing his jaw where Taehyung hit him.

"Does it hurt?" Aoi questions but Jungkook shakes his head. "I'm fine, babe."

"Well . . . Anyways, we have come to a conclusion so you can take me back to Jimin's." Aoi says. "Hey, what about my kiss?"

Aoi huffs and places a soft kiss on Taehyung's cheeks. He smiles and kisses her forehead. "I love you, Aoi." He says and she rolls her eyes.

"We have a fucked up mentality!" She says. Taehyung holds her arms. She looks at him with a raised brow. "What did we talk about you swearing, little girl?"

"Sorry, dad! I won't curse!" She says and turns her head away. Jungkook and Taehyung smile at each other looking back at Aoi.

"You're forgetting one thing." Jungkook says, tapping his jaw. Aoi's brow wrinkled. "What?"

"My kiss."

Pink crept over her cheeks. "Now you're the one teasing me."

"I would never tease about such a serious matter. It's a sisterly kiss," Jungkook says solemnly. "One kiss for each of my injuries. That's it. Tae just hit me so hard. Would you deny a dying man his last wish?"

Her sparkling gaze held a touch of exasperation. "Don't be dramatic. You're the one who said you were, quote-unquote, fine. But since you insist on being such a baby about it . . ."

She moves closer again. Her pulse beat in her throat when she brushes her lips over his brow, then his jaw. "Better?"


"You're incorrigible." Laughter bubbles beneath their voices.


"What?" Jimin asks while reading the files. "Lee Suho was a criminal. He raped plenty of girls. Some of them were even killed. And his bar distributed drugs to minors."

"Why wasn't he arrested then?" Jimin asks and Yoongi smirks at him. "Money. He bribed the government and law. Got away with every thing."

"So we can't actually file a case?" Jimin questions and Yoongi sighs. "I mean. They did good by killing him. It's similar to the case of the previous guy."

"What about him?"

"He was a drug dealer and was related to child trafficking. If he was killed by the security guard then it's good that he did that."

"Still we need to find them! You saw them, right?" Jimin questions. "Yes, we are trying to extract the CCTV footage of Suho's dash cam in his car which was there in his car."

"There was a girl and a guy?" Jimin asks and Yoongi nods. "There was a driver too and I think he was a guy as well."

"What about the Grand ball this Sunday? Are we keeping track of three con artists?" Jimin inquires. "Rose, JK and V. Apparently, these are the names they go by. But they gave many names that they give to people so we don't know if these names are even real."

"There's a girl among them?" Yoongi nods. "Rose. She's the most cunning one and the most intelligent among them. She's said to be very beautiful. So beautiful that we cannot look away from her."

"I don't care. Do we have their pictures?" He asks and Yoongi nods. "I tried to contact their previous victims. None of them could help us with the pictures since they are afraid to be caught by us in selling stolen goods. But one of them did. She saw all the three of them while they were dressed up as lawyers and she said that she will help us by giving us the footage of her home when they visited her for lunch."

"Good. Watch the video, spot them and bring the pictures to me." Jimin says and stands up walking over to the door. "Are you leaving? Home?"

When Jimin stops and turns around to speak to Yoongi before leaving.

"Yes, my love is back there and I enjoy spending time with her."

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