18: Again

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Aoi looks at the window while keeping the envelope back to the table.

"Your boy just tried to jump out of the window. My partners have him in custody."

"I don't know what you're talking about." Jimin says with a frown and Aoi smiles at him. "You think the KIA are the only ones on this guy? I mean, come on."

Jimin blinks his eyes when she looks through the things on the study table. "Richard is dabbling in government cheques here." She says and Jimin lowers his gun. He approaches her in confusion.

Aoi looks through the documents while speaking. "We've been following a paper trial on this guy for months now." Jimin stand beside her with the gun close to her face but she looks at him in annoyance.

"You mind taking that gun off my face? Please. Really. It makes me feel nervous." She remarks with irritation in her voice.

"Let me see some credentials." Jimin asks with the gun pointing at her and she sighs before taking out a small wallet and handing it to him.

"Here take my whole wallet." She says and Jimin takes it from her. "You want my gun too? Come over here, take my gun, Jimin."

Jimin still points the gun at her and tries to open the wallet but she suddenly speaks again. "Hey, hey! Look! Look outside!"

Jimin stops fiddling with the wallet and follows her to the window. "Just do me a favor. Look out of the window!" He looks outside to see Taehyung putting someone inside his car.

Jimin frowns at the sight. "Take a look yourself. My partner is walking him to the car as we speak. Look." She says as Taehyung makes the old guy take a seat in the backseat and closes the door.

"The old guy almost pissed his pants when I came through the door. He jumped right through the window onto the hood of our car."

Aoi peeks her head out of the window before Taehyung enters the car. "Hey, V. Call the LAPD again. I don't want people to walk through my crime scene." She says, side glancing at Jimin.

Jungkook peeks his head out of the car and waves at them with a smile. Taehyung looks at Jimin blankly and nods before entering the passenger seat of the car.

"It's done. Finished calling them right now." Jungkook says and Aoi understands the hidden signal he was trying to give her.

Aoi turns while Jimin is still analysing the two men inside the car. She walks over to the table where she sees a bottle while heaving a sigh of relief.

She drinks the water from the bottle with panic eyes while facing her back to Jimin when he turns to face her back. "I didn't expect the secret services on this."

"Don't worry about it. Mind if I see some identification? Just want to make sure." She says and turns with a slight smile. "I had already told you about me. But. . . Sure." Jimin says taking out his Agent ID card.

"You never can be too careful these days." She says while reading his ID card. "Well, tough luck, Jimin. Five minutes earlier, you would've landed yourself a pretty good collar."

She hands him back the card and collects the box of cheques from the table. "Is that right? Ten seconds later, you'd have been shot, sugar." Jimin smiles at her.

"So what's your name? Rose or Aoi?" He asks. Aoi looks up at her. "We aren't allowed to address each other with our real names in the Secrets Service but I'm Lee Aoi."

"So you didn't lie to me? Then what about the letter?" He asks while she smiles at him. "Your agent friend also read it, right? How can I disclose my real identity to him?"

"I'll figure a plan with you, okay? You're not alone in this," Jimin says.

Aoi doesn't know how he does it. He's not a clairvoyant. He doesn't know what will happen. But somehow, she believes in every single word that's coming out of his mouth.

If Jimin says it'll be okay, then it'll be okay.

Even when Jimin occasionally lost his temper, he never lost the sight of the bigger goal.

But he had also never met anyone like Aoi.

Of all the people in his life, she was the only one who could make him lose control.

"Mind if I come downstairs with you? I want to take a look at this guy." Jimin says and she picks up the box with the cheques in it. "Sure thing. Just do me a favor and sit right for a second. While I get the evidence downstairs. I don't want some maid walking through here and making the bed. LAPD should be here any second."

Jimin nods and Aoi walks over to the exit of the bedroom.

"Wait!" He says. She stops while shutting her eyes in panic. She puts a smile on her face and turns to face him.

Jimin lifts up her wallet and smiles. "Your wallet." She blinks and scoffs before saying.

"You hang onto it for a minute. I trust you."

Double update. Since my exams are over. I'll finish this book quickly.

Another update in a while.

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