8: Platonic

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Jungkook and Taehyung entered the cafe and instantly a smile was seen on Jungkook's face when he spotted Aoi. He ran over to her and Taehyung rolled his eyes but walked behind him.

Jungkook engulfed her in a bone crashing hug and she smiled slightly before wrapping her arms around his figure. "I missed you so much, babe."

"Where's the money? It was really not there in the briefcase, Aoi?" Taehyung asked her and she looked at his blank features.

Taehyung took a seat facing her and Jungkook was sitting beside her. "No, there were only the papers. No sign of the money."

"Those government officials must have taken the money." Jungkook said fisting his hands, boiling in rage. The waiter approached them and Jungkook immediately smiled at her.

"Three hot chocolates, please. Thank you." He ordered and the waiter nodded shyly before walking away.

"How's it with the Government agent? Any traces about other things?" Taehyung asked her, putting his hands on the table, looking at her seriously.

"Nothing much. He just kissed me last night." She said but Jungkook yelled.
"What? He kissed you? You don't even know how to kiss! Should I teach you, babe?"

Taehyung fisted his hands and glared at Aoi. "He kissed you? And you didn't even protest?" He asked and she looked away.

The waiter approached them and placed the drinks while Jungkook thanked her. They drank the beverage and Jungkook stood up. He gripped Aoi's hoodie and pulled her up. "Tae, we will be back. Give us a moment. Calm down till then."

Jungkook dragged her towards the washroom and Taehyung rolled his eyes before using his phone with a bored expression.

Jungkook entered the washroom and locked it from inside after making sure no one was in there. Aoi looked at him in confusion but Jungkook smiled at her.

"Does that agent love you, babe?" He asked her. Aoi bit her lower lip and then said, "Well, I don't feel lovable. I think I have an unlovable sort of . . . I have a coldness about me. I'm difficult to like."

She gestured one of her long, thin hands in the air, like she was only approximating what she meant rather than really nailing it. "I don't believe that," Jungkook said. "Is he cold with you?"

Aoi coughed and replied, "No."

When Jungkook spun around, he bumped into her shoulder, knocking her off balance. She fell backward until he caught her around the waist and pulled her close.

Their gazes connected, and it was almost like a scene from a movie. Jungkook could feel her heart beating, or maybe it was his own; he couldn’t tell anymore. All he knew was that Aoi was in his arms. She was so close he could see flecks of glitter in her dark eyes.

She was soft and warm against him, the small curves of her body melding effortlessly into his. He wondered how it would feel to hold her all night like this. How it would feel to kiss her.

He didn't need to wonder much longer. The next thing he knew, he connected his mouth with hers.

Jungkook made her cup his face with her hands and drew her close, guiding her to kiss him. As soon as her lips synced with his, Jungkook responded.

He claimed her mouth, tentatively at first, then with a gentle pressure as he deepened the kiss. Electricity zipped through her body, warming her straight to the core. She lost herself in their closeness, completely caught up in the moment.

Too caught up to think about the consequences or even to breathe. All the longing to be loved stored up in her heart overflowed, pushing her to take a chance. To act on impulse, or maybe it was intuition or the need to learn how to kiss.

Jungkook was so familiar and trustworthy, it was like Aoi's heart recognized their potential together to help each other in everything they needed. Or it was until Jungkook pulled away.

"That's how it is done. Alright, babe?" He mumbled while staring at her and Aoi blinked several times before looking up at him. He fixed her fringes and patted her head.

"You love him. I can see that in your eyes and feel your hesitation while kissing me, babe. Don't deny your love because of what you are and what he is. Ignore your differences that are holding your back. Just go for it. I'll always be here for you." He said as his arm snaked around her and brought her hard against his chest. "I don’t want you to feel pathetic but you're a bad kisser, babe."

She simultaneously wanted to push up against him to feel his heat and knee him in the nuts. She tried to push him but he chuckled before he splayed his hands across her back and buried his nose in the hair at her temple. She pulled back, but he held her fast when she glared at him.

"Next time you try something like that, I will use every bit of kickboxing I've ever learned and beat you into the floor, Jeon Jungkook!"

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