5: Playing

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Aoi looks at Jimin in surprise and scoffs at his answer. "You just saw me for once and fell for me?" She asks and he nods.

"You are probably pitying me because I gave nowhere to go." She says but he shakes his head. "I swear, I brought you back to my home without knowing that you had nowhere to go. I wanted to get to know you more."

"Aren't you busy with your job? What's with getting yourself involved with me?" She asks and he looks at the nightstand and then goes back to her.

"Can you stop asking me questions and eat, sugar?" He questions and she glares at him. "Please." He says with soft eyes and she told her eyes before going back to the bed.

"Eat this. I made this myself." He says before holding the tray and keeping it on the bed. "You can cook?" She asks and he nods.

"Living alone teaches you things." He answers and hands her the chopsticks. She takes it from and starts eating the rolled omelettes.

Jimin looks at her expectantly but she looks up at him before raising her brow. "How's it, sugar?"

"Edible." She says and he pouts. "Alright."

She looks up at his sad face and rolls her eyes before saying. "It's tasty. The best rolled omelettes I've ever had in my life." She says in a monotone.

Jimin's eyes shone at her answer as he smiled before giving her a thumbs up. "Eat more, sugar." She smiles slightly and continues eating.

While Jimin silently admires her actions. Aoi looks up at him. "Won't you eat?" She asks and he smiles at her.

"I'm sorry but I already had my breakfast while you were sleeping. It's almost afternoon. So I had mine a long time ago." He says and she holds a piece of rolled omelette and raises it in front of him.

He looks at her with a questioning gaze and she motions him to eat. He takes the rolled omelette in his mouth and munches it. "Why?"

"You said you had breakfast long ago so you can have some of this as brunch. I hate eating alone when someone's watching me eat." She replies without looking at him.

"And I thought you were cold." He mumbles slowly. "Pardon?"

"Nothing. Enjoy, sugar." Jimin says with a smile.


Aoi gets out of the bathroom wearing Jimin's sweatshirt and joggers. He was wearing his jacket while facing the mirror.

His eyes labs on her reflection in the mirror and she smiles softly looking at her tiny figure in his oversized clothing. "Cute."

Jimin turns around while Aoi is drying her hair with the towel but Jimin points his finger at the blow dryer on the dressing table.

She follows his pointed direction and walks over to take the item in her hands. "I have to go to the office so you'll have to be alone for a while but I promise I'll be back soon."

"Did I ask you to be back soon?" She asks, drying her hair but he smiles. "I am just letting you know." He says and was walking towards the bedroom door.

"Bye, sugar." He says while waving at her and she looks at him before nodding blankly. He smirks and quickly rushes over to her figure.

She frowns but Jimin swiftly places a kiss on her cheeks and runs for the door. "Park Jimin!" She yells and throws the brush at him.

But he exits the door while the brush hits the door. Jimin chuckles but peeks his head back on the room to see a fuming Aoi still looking at him.

"Don't miss me, sugar. Bye." He says and finally leaves the room.


Jungkook was pacing back and forth in his room while looking at the phone on the table. He sighs and plays with his fingers when his phone starts ringing.

He instantly looks at his phone and his eyes widen before he answers the call and places it close to his ear.

Jungkook: Babe, what the fuck do you think you were doing?

Aoi: Calm down. Why are you yelling?

Jungkook: Babe, are you fine? I saw those agents taking you out of the room. So I couldn't approach you.

Aoi: Yeah, I'm in one of their homes right now. He's kinda emotional.

Jungkook: What? You're in an agent's home? What if you get caught? What if he finds out that we are a con artist? Babe! Run!

Aoi: What about the briefcase? Did you get it?

Jungkook: Sorry but I couldn't. The agents just surrounded the place and I think they took it away. We missed the chance.

Aoi: It will take more time then. We lost themes as well as the list of our next targets.

Jungkook: Exactly. What are we going to do?

Aoi: I think this agent might help me to get the list of the targets we might be going for next. I just need to pretend to be normal in front of him.

Jungkook: Babe, be careful.

Aoi: Hmm. Tae and you be careful too.

Jungkook hangs up on the call and keeps the phone on the table before sighing deeply and looking at the man sitting in front of him who was peering at him darkly. Jungkook sighed before mumbling.

"Scam them but don't die, babe."

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