13: Tangled

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Jimin enters his home to find Aoi sleeping on the couch again. He sighs and chuckles before moving towards her.

He takes off his shoes and hovers above her and snuggles his face into her neck. He hugs her and she whines.

"You're back?" She asks in a deep voice and he hums into her neck. She wraps her arms around his figure and rests her chin on the crown of his head. "Why are you always so tired while being at home? I ask you to just rest, sugar. Do you really don't listen to me and do so many house chores?"

Aoi slowly opens her eyes and stares at the ceiling. "Sugar?" He mumbles in her neck. She hums and closes her eyes again.

Jimin pulls back to stare at her sleeping face before moving forward and placing his lips over hers. She responds immediately and he cups her jaws gingerly.

He releases her mouth and smiles when she breathes heavily and flutters her eyes open. "Let's go and have dinner. I will make us some spaghetti and meatballs."

She nods and he gets up from her and returns to his bedroom to get into a fresh pair of clothes.


Jimin stand beside Aoi in the bathroom while both of them are brushing their teeth. Both of them have a tiny ponytail on their head. Aoi preventing her fringes and Jimin preventing his locks from interrupting their morning routine.

They finish brushing and turn to each other. Jimin smiles at her and she smiles but not wide enough to reach her eyes. Jimin notices it so he cups her face.

"Is something wrong? Are you not feeling well today?" He asks and she shakes her head while smiling. "It's fine. Nothing's wrong. You need to go to headquarters, right? Get ready here, I'll make breakfast."

Jimin smiles and bobs his head before placing a kiss on her nose. "Thanks, sugar."


"Breakfast was so delicious. You're so good to me." Jimin says while caressing Aoi's thighs when they are seated on the couch.

"You sure that you can stay here with me?" She asks and he nods. "I asked my friend to call me once he finds information about some suspects. Until then I'm free for the day."

"Good," she answers, still not completely back to her right state of mind. Her eyes are reflecting the twinkling lights from the television screen in front of them, but also seem to be shining from within.

"Now," she says as she shifts so she's straddling him, "your turn."

"Uh uh."


He rubs her hips with the pads of his thumbs. "Today is just about you."

"Why?" She cocks her head. "That's not fair."

"Yes, it is." He gives a peck on her lips. "You're always inside the home. You need to be happy too. When are you going to realize that making you happy makes me happy?"

Jimin's afraid that she's going to think he's too much, but instead, she blinks and grins softly. "You're too good for me."

"Sugar," he says and places his warm lips on the cold skin of her neck causing her to flinch. "Nothing could be too good for you."

"You don't understand," she says, sounding tired.

"Then explain it to me," he pleads, moving his face away to face her but she hides her face into his chest.

Aoi is hard to understand. Jimin wishes he could just crack her like an egg and read all the thoughts in her head.

Jimin hears something that sounds a lot like a sniffle before she says, "Jimin, I could only be with you if I loved you less."

Time stands still. Snow stops falling. Wind stops howling. He stops breathing to what she just confessed.

She loves him? She admits that? Finally?

"Repeat that?" He demands. "I'm sorry." She says.

"Aww . . . Sugar." Jimin rubs her back and plays with her hair as she holds on to his shirt for dear life. It smells like his detergent mixed with something that is so Jimin. The unique scent alone could make someone feel less lonely.

With a hiccup, Aoi whispers, "You deserve more than the future I can offer you, Jimin."

The simplest sentence that explains everything. You should run as fast as you can. It's your last chance to get away from me, Jimin. She thinks.

But instead he hugs her harder, leaning his warm cheek on top of her head. "I don't care that you don't love yourself enough to believe that I'd be lucky to be with you."

A kiss is pressed to the crown of her hair. "We'll work on that, and in the meantime, I'll love you enough for both of us."

A whole new set of tears streams down her cheeks.

He's strong.

He's so strong. Fighting for her, for both of them, when all she has done is run.

She's strong.

She has always been strong. But she's running away from him. She's crying in his chest. She's being weak in front of someone for the first time in her life.

"I'm sorry for being clingy." She says before calming down. But he frowns at her words before saying.

"You're not being clingy to me, sugar. It's more like we are tangled together mutually."

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