28: Light me up

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Wooshik looked at Aoi and smiled wider. Got balanced on the heels of both feet and hunched his shoulders down low and held his hands out in front of him like claws.

He stamped his feet, left, right, left, right. It was like he was pawing the ground. Like he was going to come and get her and tear her apart. The smile distorted into a terrible wide grin of pleasure.

He came straight at her and she dodged left. But he was ready for that maneuver and he landed a right hook in the center of her chest. It felt exactly like being hit by a four-hundred-pound weight-lifter moving at six miles an hour.

Her sternum seemed to crack and she thought her heart would stop from the shock. She came up off my feet and went down on her back. She could taste blood in her mouth.

Aoi saw a thing she thought that Jimin and the others did not see. Wooshik's defensive reactions were blindingly fast, but he moved each time at the precisely correct angle he would take if a shield were helping deflect part of their blow.

Well, explains why Wooshik was the top Agent recruit before. He chuckled and asked, "Did you all forget about me? I was an ace agent!"

She saw Wooshik bending down and taking the knife that fell from her hands earlier and walking towards Jimin who was looking at him in pain, holding his stomach.

Jimin tried to sit up but Wooshik was fast enough to point the knife at him. But instead of Jimin, Aoi met the man's knife hand on her stomach.

Wooshik smirked and fisted her hair, twisting the knife to the left and Jimin's eyes widened.

Wooshik backed into the center of the circle, while Aoi took out the knife from her flesh, rubbing the knife hand.

Blood dripping from the injury for a moment. Jungkook's eyes were wide and staring and studying Aoi with a new wariness in the dull light of the glow globes.

"Sugar, no!" Jimin murmured, still on ground when Taehyung gained consciousness and gasped seeing the situation. "Aoi, don't!"

They saw the shadow of desperation in Aoi's face.

Now is when she's most dangerous, Taehyung thought. Now she's desperate and can do anything. Taehyung sees that this is not like a girl he knew, but a fighting machine born and trained to it from infancy. Now the fear he had planted in her has come to bloom.

Aoi could do anything . . . any unpredictable thing, Jungkook told himself. He wondered then if Taehyung had glimpsed this future, if he were reliving this experience.

Jimin saw the way his girl moved, the beads of perspiration on her face and shoulders, the careful wariness visible in the flow of her muscles.

And for the first time they sensed, without understanding it, the uncertainty factor in Aoi's gift.

"You're burning all the witches, even if we aren't one. So light me up." She said walking towards him and he panicked at her fierce move. "Go ahead and light me up!"

She lunged forward and he was about to fight it but she sensed his next trick. She shifted her own knife in a blurred motion, slipped sideways and thrust upward where Wooshik's stomach was descending-then away to watch the man crumble.

Wooshik fell like a limp rag, face down, gasped once and turned his face toward Aoi, then lay still on the rock floor. Then all of them heard something . . .


Jimin looked up to see a number of officers pointing their guns at them. "Rose, JK and V. Surrender yourselves to us." Hoseok said pointing his gun at them.

Aoi pulled Wooshik up and grazed her knife at Wooshik neck who gasped and Jimin's eyes widened. "Put that down," Jimin warned. "You don't want to do this, sugar. You don't want to be the hero you want the happy ending that's why you came to me. If you do this, that will never happen."

Aoi smiled and looked at Jimin with tired eyes. "I'm sorry. Heroes don't get happy endings. They give them to other people. Is that what you really want?"

"I want to save the girl I love. I'm just going to have to hope she'll decide to save me, too."

Aoi twitched her eyes, looking into Jimin's eyes full of love for her. Before Jimin could stop her, she pushed Wooshik in the front and ran towards the road.

Hoseok opened the fire in his pistol and shot her. "No!" Jimin screamed and ran towards Aoi who held her stomach in pain and stumbled backwards . . .

Towards the cliff.

Jimin tried to hold her hand but it was too dark to make anything out. He moved close to her when her feet slipped as she fell, as he saw her smiling face, tears streaming down her bleeding face and her mouth mumbling ,

"You're my light, my star."

He collapsed on the ground while crying when he heard two other gunshots and he turned around to see Taehyung and Jungkook holding guns in their hands pointing it at Hoseok.

But Jimin's eyes widened when Jungkook and Taehyung's bodies fell backwards limply from the cliff. "No! No! No!" He yelled and tried to reach them but he was far away.

Jimin looked down from the cliff and all he saw was darkness. "You're arrested, Choi Wooshik. But first we will take you to the hospital." Hoseok said cuffing him.

Jimin looked broken. He sniffed and stared down into the darkness.

"It's really over now."



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