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Yoongi sighed and entered Jimin's bedroom. "Jimin, why the fuck are you making your home look like a cave!" He said opening the curtains.

He turned around to look at Jimin sleeping on his bed with dark bags under his eyes. Dried tears on his face and lean body.

"Jimin!" Yoongi said and Jimin groaned before fluttering his eyes open slowly. "Get down, quick. Chief wants to meet us."

Yoongi exits the room and Jimin rolled back on the bed, he extended his hand on the bed and then looked up at his ceiling. "Every morning when I wake up I forget for a fraction of a second that you are gone and I reach for you. All I ever find is the cold side of the bed."

His eyes settle on the picture of Aoi and him in the ballroom, kissing which someone managed to click and send to Yoongi who in turn brought it back to Jimin.

It was placed on the bedside table, and he is overjoyed that even though the time was brief, he loved Aoi and she loved him. Or else she wouldn't jump in front of him to get stabbed.

"I'm in absolute fuck-off, life-ruining love with you, sugar and I can't. I can't do this anymore," he goes on. "Maybe you already know, maybe it's obvious and saying it is just gonna make this harder, but-God, I love you so much."

Jimin's mouth keeps moving, half-shouting into the empty room, and he barely knows what he's saying anymore, but he can't stop.

"I fell in love with you the day I met you, and then I fell in love with the person you remembered you are. I got to fall in love with you twice. That's-that's magic. You're the first thing I've believed in since- since I don't even remember, okay, you're- you're movies and destiny and every stupid, impossible thing, and it's not because of the fucking life, it's because of you. It's because you fight and you care and you're always kind but never easy, and you won't let anything take that away from you. You're my fucking hero, sugar. I don't care if you think that you're not one. You are."

I could write an entire novel about the time we spent, and they would sell. There was so much drama between us. Hardly any fist fights at all but full of toxicity. A big tragedy to write about.

Merely two weeks of saccharine love and adoration between the two of us. People will laugh at me for falling so hard and easily."

I. Was. Taken. By. Her.
Addicted to her.

"I'm not sure it was healthy-how codependent I was. Still am, really. But when a person finds someone who makes all the negativity in their lives disappear, it's hard not to feed off that person. I fed off you in order to keep my soul alive. It was starving and shriveled before I met you-"

"Jimin!" Yoongi snarled again entering the room. "Why? What?" Jimin barked back.

"I fucking asked you to leave your fucking bed and stop speaking to the air molecules. It's been 3 months that you've locked yourself up! Get your fucking ass up! Chief wants us! Stop thinking about your love story!" Yoongi announced.

Jimin stared at him, not sure how to respond to that. It's not the typical love story people usually tell. He's not even sure if it can be considered a love story.

"I know what you're thinking," Yoongi said, "Sounds depressing. More like a tragedy."

Jimin nodded, confirming his assumption.

"Love isn't always pretty, Yoongi. Sometimes you spend all your time hoping it'll eventually be something different. Something better. Then, before you know it, you're back to square one, and you lose your heart somewhere along the way."

Jimin stopped looking at him and faced forward. He didn't want him to see the frown that he can't seem to remove from his face.

Is that what he's doing? 

"I love her so much, Yoongi," Jimin says. He's crying again. "I love her so, so much."

"She loves you, too," Yoongi told him, "Get up. Let's make you happy. I can't see my friend dying here."


"You said you want to make me happy. Then why am I here?" Jimin whispered to Yoongi but Namjoon heard it.

"Don't I make you happy? That's an insult!" Namjoon remarked while standing up from his seat and walking across the desk to stand beside Jimin and Yoongi.

"It's not that-" Jimin was cut off when a sweet voice ringed in his ears. "Then do I make you happy?"

Jimin's eyes widened, ears perked as he turned around only to see a female smiling at him. His lips quivering, fingers trembling, knees collapsing when he called out.


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