20: Birthday

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Jimin rubs his face while looking at the security arrangements for the Gayo Ball tomorrow. He keeps on checking the monitors showing every corner of the huge grand hall and the rooms of the building.

"So?" Yoongi repeats once Jimin is done and is back on his feet. Rubbing his hands on his forehead, Jimin says, "So what?"

"So, what's up with you, dumbass?"

"Nothing," he answers as he grabs another camera and walks away to install it somewhere else. He needs to work on a better poker face. Yoongi will never let him off the hook if he can always tell when he's conflicted.

"Oh, don't feed me that bullshit, Jimin." He follows behind him. Jimin sigh.

When Jimin doesn't answer, Yoongi says, "It's about her, isn't it?"

Eyes closing, Jimin stops in his tracks.

Yes, this is about her.

When has anything not been about her? It's like he can't even remember a time when she didn't occupy his every thought when it's just a week since they have met. When he woke up in the morning and his first thought was, he hoped he saw Aoi today.

But now, it's even more difficult than before. Because now he got to feel her.

He got to kiss her, to inhale her moans and swallow her cries. And damn him, he can't take his mind away from it. Her taste is imprinted on his head.

It's been two days since they saw each other, and Jimin hasn't heard from her yet.

He hasn't texted her either. She needs to know that if she wants something more, she'll need to be the one to make a move.

He wouldn't want her to feel victorious to see him begging her to meet again, especially after what she has done.

"I don't know!" The force of Jimin's reply stunned Yoongi into silence.

Jimin's granite mask cracked, revealing the torment underneath.

"I don't know why I care. I just know that I do, and I hate it." Self- loathing coated his voice.

"I hate the idea of her touching anyone else, or anyone else touching her. I hate that other people can make her smile in a way I can't. I hate how I feel around her, like she's the only person that can make me lose control when I. Don't Lose Control."

Every word, every step brought him closer until his back pressed against the wall and he covered his face with hands.

"But I do." His voice dropped, turning ragged. "With her." His blood thundered in his ears, muffling his words until he was underwater and drowning in a sea of emotions.

Shock, hope, fear, elation, uncertainty...they all mingled until they were indistinguishable from each other.

"I don't know, isn't good enough," Yoongi whispered.

Jimin's jaw tightened. He slowly opened his eyes. Yoongi could see the hints of gold in his eyes, like flecks of light in a sea of darkness.

"Do you still trust her, Jimin?"


The morning of Aoi's 21st birthday and the day of Gayo's annual ball, celebrating its new costume exhibit.

She woke up to see an unspeakably gorgeous ball gown hanging in her doorway. It was a deep midnight green, floor-length, with a bodice marked by tens of thousands of tiny black jewels in a dark, delicate, mesmerizing pattern.

It was a stop-and-stare dress. A gasp-and-stare-again dress.

The kind one would wear to a headline-grabbing, hashtag- exploding black-tie event.

Damn it, Jungkook! She scrubbed her feet towards the gown, feeling mutinous, then sees the note dangling from the hanger: WEAR ME IF YOU DARE

That wasn't Jungkook's handwriting. She sighed and took the dress walking back to the washroom to get dressed for the big day.


Aoi found Taehyung at the edge of the living hall. He was wearing a white tuxedo that fit his body far too well and standing next to an equally handsome Jungkook dressed in the same attire but with now blonde hair.

Kim Taehyung.
Jeon Jungkook.
Lee Aoi.

The relationship that exceeds respect and love. What else could Aoi ask for? They gave her everything any girl could dream of.

And there she was messed up in the head for someone else who she wasn't even sure if the odds would be in their favor. If they could work. But she was so damn curious about the possibility.

Aoi ran like the ball gown wasn't weighing her down, like she didn't have a knife and gun strapped to her thigh. Taehyung and Jungkook caught her, their bodies colliding with her in between.

She looked up at them with her arms hooked around the shoulders of each of them and they smiled before placing a kiss on her head and mumbling.

"Happy birthday, Lee Aoi."


Beep Beep: Hey, there. Just a little reminder from xmimisoo  to drop votes on the chapters. It encourages me to write more.

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