3: Sugar

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The girl blinks several times and sits up on the bed. She hisses in pain but looks down at her bandaged hand.

"Oh, sugar. You woke up?" She gets startled when the same honey-like voice from the night speaks up.

She looks up to see a guy holding a tray and bringing it up to her. He is wearing a casual orange tshirt, black shorts and slippers.

The girl's eyes observes every single feature of him. His jet black hair, plump lips, earrings on both of his ears, small tattoos on his wrist, right below his ears, close to his elbows.

She looks up at him blankly and he smiles before keeping the tray on the nightstand and moving closer to her.

Her eyes widen and she moves back on the bed. He senses her uneasy actions and smiles before sitting back properly.

"It's alright, sugar. I won't hurt you like them." He says with a calm tone. She frowns at him before looking down and notices that she's wearing a long robe now over her red dress from the night.

"I couldn't change your dress so I just put a robe to cover you-"

"Who are you?"

He looks at her with big eyes when he hears her speak for the first time. "Damn, sugar. Your voice is so sweet-"

"Who? Are? You?" She asks again with coldness in her tone and his eyes soften. He holds her hands and caresses her knuckles while she looks at him in shock.

She tries to pull her hands back but he holds them firmly. "It's alright, sugar. You don't need to do that for money. You can work somewhere better. You don't need to do these things." He says and she frowns at him.

"What are you talking about?" She asks and he sighs before releasing her hands. He reaches for her handbag and turns it over to make it fall on the bed.

She gasps when she sees her phone and snatches it from the bed. The guy's eyes observe her but he shakes his head and holds the items on the bed. 

"A choker, dildo, whip, leather cuffs, gag, eye mask, rope. What were you doing with these?" He asks and she frowns at him. "What do people usually do with these?" She asks him blankly.

His eyes widen and he scoffs before putting those back in the bag. "Do you even know what people do with these?" He asks but she narrows her eyes but shakes her head.

"I just brought the bag that someone gave me. I don't know what these are." She says and he looks at her in shock.

"You know if the bodyguard didn't shoot his boss for the money and you didn't shoot him to protect yourself then you would have been raped by either of them." He says with a raised voice.

Her eyes widen and she looks at him. He thinks I was there as a slut and killed them to protect myself?

"How do you know that?" She asks and sits beside her again. "The fingerprints on the gun which shot the bodyguard was yours and the one which shot the boss being too the bodyguard's. What happened there, sugar?"

"I don't remember well." She says and looks away. "I think this is what happened. You went there as your appointment with the boss and then saw the bodyguard who shot his boss for the money. He saw you and hurt you. That's why you hurt your hands and then saw a gun nearby which might belong to the boss and used it to shoot him and protect yourself. But unfortunately he died."

She blinks several times at his story and looks at him in confusion. "Why do you think so?" She asks and he cups her face.

"Because you look so pure and when I went last night into the room, you pushed me away asking me to leave since the gas was poisonous. You look so young, I wonder what made you do these stuff. Do you even know how to kiss?" He asks and she glares at him.

"I know about everything. I'm definitely not a kid. Why did you bring me here?" She snarls at him and he smiles at her. "You fainted last night and I didn't know anything about you so I brought you to my home." He says with a sweet smile.

"Thank you but I need to go." She says standing up but he pulls her back on the bed. He inches his face closer to her and she flutters her eyes in nervousness.

"Where are your parents, sugar?" He asks and she looks into his eyes staring at her deeply. "I don't have parents." She replies. "Siblings?"

"None." She replies instantly and he looks at her lips while she does the same. "What's your age?" He asks and looks back up into her eyes.

"20," she says and his eyes widen. "20? You look like 14! Damn, sugar. I bet you have such a pure heart that it shows in your appearance." He says and looks at her again.

"What's your name, sugar?"

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