2: Help

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The cork gets out of the bottle and hits the wall before going back to exactly land harshly on the man's forehead as he groans in pain before releasing the gun that falls to the ground.

She turns around and twists his wrist while he grunts in pain, holding his forehead and she smiled while raising the champagne bottle to read the name.

"Cristal brute, 1990. Very good. And at the optimal temperature of 55° Fahrenheit." She says and turns to look at him.

He looked helpless and whimpers under her grip. "For a Korean scammer like you, you're exceptionally cultivated. By the way the red roses are for you, my dear. Ahh-" His voice gets cut off when she keeps the bottle on the table and gets a hold of the glass vase with red roses and strikes his head with it.

The man grunts in pain while the vase shatters into pieces. He collapses on the ground. The girl smiles at him before reaching down and picking up his gun from the ground.

The man tries to stand up but a hard punch lands on his face and he groans falling back. She punches his abdomen, chest and face one after another and he groans in pain.

The bodyguard standing outside could hear the groans from inside but sighs deeply. He shakes his head thinking that his boss is having a fun time with the chick in the bed.

Meanwhile, the girl kicks him in the stomach and he falls to the ground. She holds him by the collar before bending him over on the table.

The man's breath hitched when the cold tip of the gun touches his forehead. "Where's it?" She asks and he grunts in pain.

"In- in the briefcase. The documents and the 7 million dollars are in the briefcase. You can take it all but please don't kill me." He says while shivering under her.

She hits him on the head with the gun and he falls to the ground. She walks over to the briefcase and opens it. She sees the cash in it and the papers but she also notices the tear gas and the red light which starts beeping.

She sighs and looks up to see the bodyguard entering the room. "I need these so I've got no options. See you in hell." She says before shooting the bodyguard on his chest.

He holds his chest in pain and falls to the ground, probably feeling closer to death. She turns but someone chokes her suddenly.

Her eyes widened to see the man glaring at her. She claws his hand and kicks his knees causing him to fall in the ground. He quickly stands up and pushes her.

She falls back while her hand lands on the pieces of glass. She hisses in pain and raises her gun with the other hand to shoot the man but he reaches for the tear gas and unclips the key before throwing it towards her.

She curses under her breath and moves over to hold the bodyguard's hand holding the gun. She shoots the man several times by using the bodyguard's hand until the room fills up with the gas.

The man collapses to the ground and stops breathing while she slowly tries to walk over the briefcase.

"This isn't normal tear gas. I feel like being paralysed." She mumbles. She presses the bluetooth on her ear and speaks while coughing.

"Help me, Jungkook. Take the briefcase from here." She says and hears an 'okay' from the other side. She tries to stand up but fails. She throws the gun away and it skids somewhere under the huge shelf.

She tries to breathe but her vision blurs. "Taehyung, help!" She says through her earpiece and blinks.

Suddenly the door opens and she sees a man standing there. Her vision was too blurry but she could make out that it wasn't her partner.

The man quickly runs over to the bleeding bodyguard in front of him and kneels down before patting his cheeks and shaking him.

She takes out the earpiece from her ears and throws it across the room while he was busy checking the bodyguard. He runs over to the other man next to him and shakes him but he is already dead.

More men enter the room and start checking everything around. One of the men keeps the door open to let the gas out of the room.

The man then moves forward and his eyes widen to see the girl bleeding from her hands but her chest is still moving up and down. She blinks while he approaches her.

He kneels down beside her and cups her cheek. "Fuck, little girl. Who brought you here? You're bleeding." He remarks with his honey voice but the girl closes her eyes while still breathing and says.

"Get out. The gas is poisonous."

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