6: Chief

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Jimin enters his finger print and the metallic sir opens. His eyes land on the huge monitor and tons of agents working in front of it.

The agents were seated in front of small monitors as well. The room was in utter chaos. But someone pats his shoulder.

He turns around to see an orange haired guy staring at him. "Agent Yoongi. Whatsup?" Jimin asks calmly.

"In the meeting room. Chief wants to see us." He says blankly and Jimin nods before following him to the meeting room.

They both enter the room and see a bunch of agents already sitting there. They eye them up and some of the known faces raise their hand to greet them. Agent Hoseok waves at Yoongi but he rolls his eyes.

Jimin and Yoongi take a seat and after a minute the tall buffed man enter the room with some files in his hand.

He looks around the room before placing his files on the table and turns the connected projector on.

The agents sit properly and look at the screen. "We would like to present you all with a  hypothetical situation-"

"How hypothetical, Chief Namjoon?" Agent Hoseok asks and Namjoon looks at him glumly. "Not very unless we screw up." Yoongi says and Namjoon smirks before continuing.

"In a week from now, the Gayo will be holding their annual ball, celebrating its new costume exhibit. And the most wanted con artists are going to rob around 50 Million dollars."

"Any informations about the con artists?" Yoongi asks and Namjoon shrugs his shoulders. "They have always been really secretive of their works. They scam people and run away with the valuable stuff of them."

"Any past records so that we can identify?" Jimin questions and Namjoon thinks for a while.

[Meanwhile in the past]

Jungkook sat beside the girl in the bar and she looked at him in awe. He flashed her a cheeky grin and extended his hand to her. "Kim Seokwoo. I'm a lawyer. Nice to meet you, pretty."

She looked at his hands and smiled softly before shaking her hands with him.

On the other hand

Taehyung fixed his glasses and blinks in nervousness before holding the briefcase close to his chest. "I'm Nam Joohyun who called you earlier." He said keeping the fake visiting card on the table.

The suited man took the card and read it carefully while taking bent forward. "Is it true that I won't get caught buying stolen goods?" He asked being fidgety.

Jungkook clinked glasses with the girl and held the glass close to his lips watching her chug down the alcohol with closed eyes. He kept his glass down a smirk on his lips.

Taehyung stamped the documents with a grin on his lips and clapped. The man turned to pull the valuable sculpture from his trolley.

Taehyung smirked with dark eyes and skillfully replaced the actual document with the fake ones. He placed the sculpture in front of him.

Aoi, who was standing beside Taehyung disguised as his secretary, placed the briefcase on the table and opened it to show the bundles of cash.

The man's eyes shone eyeing the money and he opened the box to show the ancient vase and Taehyung smiled at him.

Aoi closed the briefcase and pushed it towards him and held the box with an emotionless face before lifting it up in her hands. Taehyung stood up and shook hands with the man.

Jungkook caressed the hairs of the girl who was passed out on the bar counter. He smiled sweetly before reaching out for her neck and removed the hair from her back.

Jungkook unhooked the diamond necklace from her neck, causing it to fall off and caught it before it touched the ground. He stood up from the seat and walked away.

Taehyung opened the door for Aoi who was holding the antique and let her get out of the room before turning back and bowing at the man and closing the door behind him.

The girl at the bar woke up when someone nudged her and she squeezed her eyes to look around when the bartender asked her to leave since the bar was closed.

She stood up and paid for the drinks when the bartender said, "Ma'am, you need to pay for the other man as well." She frowned but paid anyway.

"He left me alone but here I have to pay for his drinks." She said before getting out and moving back to her car but she felt cold and touched her neck.

Her eyes widened and she roamed her hand around her neck before screaming. "My 5 million dollars antique necklace!"

The man tapped the briefcase in excitement and opened it but his eyes widened to see a red rose in the empty briefcase. "Where's the money that I saw just now?"

"No. They don't leave any traces. And the people whom they rob don't file complaints either." Namjoon answers clueless. "Why don't they?"

"It's upto them. We can't force them either. Anyway, Agent Jimin and Agent Yoongi will be working on this case. The briefcase that we found last night. It had names in some documents within it and we need to keep an eye on the people. We think they will be next." He says and pushes the briefcase towards them. "I hope none of you go rogue. I already lost our most important agent earlier because he went rogue. So don't betray us."

Jimin touches it and nods his head with a serious look on his face. Yoongi stands up but Namjoon says something before they leave.

"They've got what it takes to take what you've got. So be careful of everything and everyone around you."

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