10: Crimson

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Jimin walked over to the headquarters with Yoongi beside him.  "How's the girl?" Jimin looks at him when he questioned.

"Good. She's doing good with me." He replied with a huge grin on his face while studying the files about the con artists. "Apparently the con artists are a group of three. It's called the Rose Group. They have V, JK and Rose."

"Anything else?" Jimin asked and Yoongi sighed before shaking his head. "They are so good at doing their jobs that there are no traces of them. It's so frustrating, yet fascinating."

"They are good at what they do. Quite skilled, aren't they?" Jimin asked and Yoongi shrugged. "Well, all the things that are mentioned here being taken by them are stolen goods. The people from whom they stole probably kept the stolen goods."

"Is that why they don't file a complain about being scammed?"

Jimin smirked and nodded while entering his office. "Looks like we have got a set of smart robbers."


Aoi stands in the shoe store wearing the sundress that Jimin bought for her. She takes the sneakers from the shelf when someone tries to take the same thing but their hands collide.

Aoi looks at the man innocently and smiles before bowing at him. The man smiles back but gets lost in her beauty.

He tries to hold the shoe again but again their hands collide. He turns to look at her and she looks back at him with big eyes.

They chuckle and he gestures to her to go ahead and take the sure while she shakes her head. "No, please. You can go ahead." The man insists but she smiles.

"It's alright. I have bought plenty of shoes today. You can have this one." She says in her soft tone when the man's ears melts because of her sweet voice.

She passes by him and he licks his lips staring at her figure. She reaches out to a salesperson and says something to her. They move towards the checkout counter and the man quickly walks there.

Just when Aoi was about to open her wallet, the man hands his card to the cashier. Aoi turns to look at him with a surprised look but he smiles.

"Pay for all of these with this card." He says but she holds his wrist. A spark of waves jolt up in his body and he turns to glance at her innocent eyes.

"You don't need to pay for these. These are mine." She says but he smiles. "No, please. I want to."

"But I don't know you." She remarks but he gestures the cashier to take the card and he obeys. She releases his hand and looks at her.

"Then we can get to know each other. I am Lee Suho. And you?" He asks and she smiles. "My name is Rose. Nice to meet you, Mr. Lee."

"I'm smarter. You know I know more about this than you. You should probably choose heels rather than sneakers. It'll look good on you." He says.

I never trust a narcissist, But they love me. She thinks and smiles at him. So I play 'em like a violin, And I make it look oh so easy.

"Sure, thank you so much for that." She replies. "Do you have a boyfriend?" He asks and she shakes her head. "Wow, seems like we were made to be for each other."

Aoi giggles at his statement and hits Suho's arms lightly while he chuckles too. "Are you a student?" He asks. "Yes. I'm a student at Seoul National University."

"Liar! Liar! Pants on fire!" Jungkook speaks through her earpiece.

"What's your age?" Suho asks and she smiles before replying. "I'm 20."

"I'm 21. We are the same age. I'm a businessman. I am single. Never had a girlfriend." He says and she looks at him.

"Lee Suho, Age 32, Bar owner, divorced. Three lies were detected." Taehyung speaks through her earpiece.

'Cause for every lie I tell them, They tell me three.

The shop hands her the bags while he walks back to his car. "Do you want to go to my house? Maybe we can have a drink back there. Consider this as a payment for the shoes."

This is how the world works, Now all he thinks about is me. Aoi thinks to herself. She smiles and agrees.


"Where's the money?" Aoi asks pointing the gun on Suho's forehead who just smirks.

His forehead was bleeding because of the blow that Aoi gave him earlier. His lips were bleeding because of the punches that she threw at him. Currently, he's sitting on the bed weakly with Aoi pointing the gun at him.

"Pretty, you look so good above me. It's good to have someone as beautiful as you above me before I die." He says and rubs her arm with his hands.

She can feel the flames on her skin. She looks at him with disgust and glares at him. She digs the tip of the gun further into his temple and barks again. "Where is the money, Suho?"

"I don't have it. Leader has it all. And leader is not weak like us." She gets up from top of him and turns but he stops her.

"Maybe, we can have a quick round. You might do that quite often don't you. You won't mind and I'll give you money-" His voice gets cut off when Aoi shoots him right on his chest.

Suho's eyes shoot wide and he looks at the crimson red paint on Aoi's lips. She smiles at him, wiping the drops of his blood from her lips.

"If a man talks shit, then I owe him nothing. I don't regret it one bit, 'cause you had it coming."

Before closing his eyes and falling back to bed, losing breath, he says.

"Y-You did something bad. Very bad." 


Beep Beep: Hey, there. Just a little reminder from xmimisoo  to drop votes on the chapters. It encourages me to write more.

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