9: Euphoric

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Jimin opened the door and Aoi lifted her arms in the air, waiting. He sniffed a laugh. Swallowed. He placed the plastic bags with the groceries and some shopping bags on the ground and opened his arms.

He ran towards her slowly, running his hands up her as he does. Before she even knows what's happening, he hooks an arm around her waist and his mouth is on hers and she's off the ground, moving backwards and up and on to a machine behind us.

What machine? Some sort of a cooler or air purifier. Nobody knows.

Jimin's hands are on her face, then in her hair and he's leaning over her, and he's kissing her in this way that feels like a ship breaking through fog, it's fresh water, clear skies, smooth sailing, birds chirping . . . the planets of the universe aligning out there like their bodies are in here, and he undo the top button of her shorts and smiled against her mouth.

He bites down on her bottom lip because when he does he knows he'll smile more. He pulls her forward so she's against his waist, tugs his own jeans down and off his legs, and then stares down at her for a couple of seconds.

Aoi thinks she understands for a fleeting moment why everything that's bad and painful and sad is worth it if you love someone, because she'll remember how he's looking at her now forever.

His eyes flicker over her face like leaves on a breezy day. He presses his tongue into his top lip, swallowing heavy. Holds her face with one hand and kisses her gentler than someone thinks they could down her neck and he leans her back against the machine, kissing her all over and down her-taking his time and Aoi loves her skin around Jimin.

Aoi is never aware of her skin at any other time of the day, the only time she thinks of it is when it prickles all electric because Park Jimin is touching her or he's about to-and when he does, his lips on hers, it feels like on her tiring day she's falling face first into a pillow-top mattress. Like rain hitting water and nobody can see where one starts and the other ends, that's what their mouths are like. He pulls her back up so they're on level, pushes his hand through her hair, then he presses himself into me.

The feel of Jimin is from now onwards Aoi's favourite feeling in the world, for all of his- story and all of time, write it down, ring the town bell and tell the scribes-she'll wear it on her heart's sleeve forever that she loves him too.

Jungkook was right. She was just worried about their differences, which was holding her back. But when she ignores the consequences while being with him, it's euphoric with Jimin.

She can feel herself drifting further and further from a safe harbour. Though, she should have tethered herself to something, but she didn't. She can feel it now.

Aoi is tethered to Jimin.

Jimin pulled back and stared at Aoi's flushed face, smiling while watching her but his eyes widened when he saw her lips curving upwards.

She opened her eyes slowly and she threw a smile, a genuine one, at him. "I love you, sugar."

She gasped and he unwrapped his arms before covering his mouth in shock of what he just said. Aoi smiled and put her hands behind her. He takes a step back, but she only follows him.

"If you didn't care for me, I would let you go. But Jimin, I know you're in love with me, and guess what? I'm slowly falling in love with you too. So no, I'm not letting you go. You run away, I'm right in front of you."

Jimin frowned at her words. "In front of you?" He asked but she shook her head. "I extended my hands for the bags. Did you think I was asking for a hug?"

Jimin looked at her in embarrassment and cleared his throat before looking away. She chuckled, fixed her clothes and walked over to pick up the bags from the ground.

"What's in here?" Jimin fixed his pants and walked over to her to lift up the shopping bags. "Some lingerie, dresses, female essentials and the other bags contain groceries."

Aoi smiled and pecked his face when his face shone in delight. He smiled widely before pecking her lips and hugging her. "Thanks for accepting my love, sugar. I promise to never hurt you."

Aoi smiled and hugged Jimin back before burying her face into his chest. How strange to feel herself so completely under the control of another person, but also how ordinary.

No one can be independent of other people completely, so why not give up the attempt, she thought, go running in the other direction, depend on people for every- thing, allow them to depend on you, why not. She knows he loves her, she doesn't wonder about that anymore.

"You're too good for me, Jimin."

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