22: Dance

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Jimin frowned but Aoi smiled and explained clearly. "Shall we dance?"

"Do you think I can trust you after everything?" Jimin asked her with a teasing look and she smiled and nodded as he took her hand and twirled her into his arms.

Spinning and circles and shuffling their feet to the slow, rhythmic music. It was paradise, but even so much more when their eyes met.

His eyes were a warm chocolate color, they caused her knees to buckle, and her lips to quiver slightly. He slightly narrowed his eyes, and let out a small chuckle.

Jimin leaned down to kiss her, just a peck; that peck was enough to take away all her breath away.

"Hey, Jimin! Why are you romancing suddenly—"

Jimin took out the earpiece from his ear and kept it inside his pocket, to avoid Yoongi's nagging.

He looked into Aoi's eyes and reached out to tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear and pulled out her earpiece as well before moving to her ear.

He whispered into her ear, "Let's just enjoy this moment to ourselves. Forget that I'm an agent and you're a con artist. I'm Park Jimin and you're my sugar."

It was over almost suddenly, he pulled his face away from her and the music changed. Their paces quickened, and it was hard for Aoi to keep up with the quick, flowing steps. Her dress was getting in the way and her heels making her steps clumsy, or maybe it was just because she was with him that she was clumsy.

He noticed her discomfort, and chanced his stance to make it easier to her to follow. His grip tightened on her hand as he gave it a comforting squeeze, it made her heart skip a beat.

Suddenly, the music changed it's pace again, this time a very slow and relaxing song. Jimin smirked at Aoi slightly, and pulled her body closer to his.

Of course, he would have done that willingly. She could feel her cheeks burning, and knew she was blushing on the outside. His smile only grew bigger.

They danced together, their bodies close; with his hand still grasping hers.

It was perfect, he was with the one he loved. She was with the one she loved.

It felt like the song lasted forever, yet they were never tired from it. The sound of the music went even slower, the lights slowly fading.

Jimin dropped her hand, and before she had the time to frown he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her body even closer to him.

His kind, smiling face met hers and she felt his sweet, warm breath on her face. Their lips met and they kissed.

After what felt like eternity, he pulled away from the kiss and whispered in her ear, "My sweet sugar, how I love you so much."

They fell in step, letting the rhythm control their movements. All the scenery and people around them dissolved.

It was her and him, alone.

Her ocean eyes glistened, and a smile spread across her beautiful face.

Uncontrollable feelings surged through his body, and his fingers tingled in delight. His hand brushed across her cheek. His body was acting on its own, no chains to hold him back from this pure paradise.

He drew her close to his chest, and she wrapped her arms around his neck.

Aoi's dark fringes fell over her eyes, like a curtain blocking out the sunlight. Jimin desired to see those deep eyes.

She began to withdraw her hand to brush away her hair, but his hand clutched onto hers. He carefully laid her thin hand back on his shoulder.

He delicately tucked her long locks behind her ear, and her ocean-like eyes twinkled back at him in greeting.

Her lips went to his ear as she whispered ever so softly. "You know how to be romantic."

She set her head on his shoulder. They continued to dance, too lost in the music to halt. Time passed as their feet moved in the steps of the foxtrot.

She brought her head up and sleepily opened her eyes. "I am going to write a book." She said.

"What'll it be about?"

"Oh, the usual, meet-cutes and high jinks and grave misunderstandings and conciliatory kisses."

"Will there be a happily ever after?" Jimin asked.

"Maybe," she teased, "if you play your cards right."

"You're the one who cheats. I'll be sure not to cheat."

"Unless it's to help me win, of course."

"Always. I'm yours, my sugar," he said, and kissed her knuckles. Those words made her heart soar. "Truly?"

"Truly, passionately, completely yours, sugar."

"And I'm yours, Jimin." She whispered.

And maybe, if they were lucky, they would find a happily ever after, too.


Or maybe not.

"I do love you like that. And I love you like this. Even if you hurt me, kill me, cheat me. Sugar, I—" He lets out a long breath, and then a laugh that sounds more pained than happy. "Sugar, I will love you like everything."

Her heart quickens; her stomach jumps. Every kind of happiness hormone is coursing through her, and she wants to have his words tattooed across her chest: I love you like everything.

"I love you like everything too, Jimin."

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