15: Con Artistry

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Aoi walks in the aisle of the cosmetics store and picks up random makeup essentials. She holds them close to her chest and sweetly smiles at the salesperson randomly.

She picks up lip tint, foundation, perfume, eyeliner, cream and other essentials and walks over to the checking out counter.

The cashier at the desk smiles at Aoi and she places the items on the desk. "Hi, I just want to return these items."

"Oh, of course. Can I have your receipt?" The cashier says while looking at the items. "No, but they are unopened." Aoi says.

"I really need the receipt." The cashier presses and Aoi looks at her. "These are sealed and brand new." She says and the cashier shifts uncomfortably.

"Do you have the credit card that you use? The receipt from there-" The cashier gets cut off by Aoi. "This is ridiculous. I bought these last week."

"You can try our customer service on the sixth floor-"
"You know, nevermind. I'll just keep these. I don't want to return." Aoi says and faces the direction of the exit.

But she turns back to the cashier who raises a brow at her. "Can I have a bag atleast?"

"Oh, sure." The cashier says with a smile before taking out a paper bag and giving it to Aoi. She keeps the essentials in the bag and takes a hold of the bag.

She turns to face the exit and walks while smirking to herself.


Aoi enters the hotel with plenty of shopping bags containing dresses, she, accessories, and other essentials she managed to get the same way she did for the makeup without paying a penny.

She passes by the check in counter whole over hearing a conversation of a couple and the receptionist.

"Hi, we would like to check out 4 days early. We have a flight in a few hours. The room under Brandon Parker." The man says and the receptionist nods.

"Did you have a pleasant stay?" She asks and they nod. "My name is Monica. Can I do anything else like booking a commute till the airport?"

"No, it would not be necessary. Thank you very much." He says and his wife smiles at the receptionist when Aoi smirks while listening to it.

The couple exits from the hotel and Aoi sits in the lounge of the hotel while reading the magazine.

After a few minutes, she takes out her phone and calls at the hotel's reception number which she found at the entrance under the hotel's name.

Someone picks up the call and Aoi looks at the receptionist placing the phone next to her ears. "Hello, this is the Grand Hotel. How may I help you?"

"Hello, can I speak to movies Monica please?" Aoi says through the line. "Speaking, ma'am. I am Monica."

"Hi, Monica. I am Mrs. Parker who checked out just now with her husband?" Aoi says. "Oh yes, Mrs. Parker."

"Actually our flight got cancelled." Aoi says. "Oh no."

"I know right." Aoi says and chuckles before continuing. "So I was wondering instead of staying at some random airport hotel maybe we could get our original room back?"

"Oh sure, ma'am. We don't have a problem since you have already paid for it and we haven't refunded your payment yet. The room service was currently in your room for cleaning so you can just return back to your room. She has the room key of 305."

"That would be amazing. Thank you." Aoi says and hangs up the call. She stands up and walks over to the elevator.

She presses on the thirteenth floor and some other people join her in the elevator. She holds the shopping bags close and after a long wait in the elevator finally her floor arrives.

Aoi gets down and two men follow her. She stands in front of the open door of room 305 while the two men pass by her winking at her.

She enters the room and the hotel staff looks at her. "Oh, Mrs. Parker. Monica informed me. Here's the key. Have a pleasant stay." She says.

Aoi bows at her before leaving the room. She keeps the shopping bags on the floor and exhales deeply. A few knocks at her door and she opens it only to be hugged by a pair of strong arms.

Jungkook lifts her up and Taehyung chuckles before closing the door behind him. Aoi barks while trying to free herself but Jungkook is stronger.

He places her on the bed gently. Both the two buffed up men open their shoes and Taehyung takes off Aoi's heels before plopping himself next to her.

Jungkook does the same and Aoi tries to sit up on the bed but gets pulled back by Taehyung. Jungkook wraps his arm around her waist and Taehyung wraps his leg around her.

"Jungkook! Taehyung! Let me go!" Aoi barks but they chuckle and snuggle close to her. She exhales deeply and gives up on fighting with them. Jungkook pecks her shoulder before murmuring.

"You're the master of Con Artistry, babe."

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