16: Cruel

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Jimin enters his home with Yoongi but it is dark. "Aoi?"

"Rose?" Yoongi calls out as well when Jimin switches on the lights. His eyes widen and he rushes over to the bedroom but spots no one. He checks the bathroom but there isn't anyone either.

"Jimin? I found something!" Yoongi screams and Jimin runs back to the living room in the hope of something.

Yoongi lifts up a paper and Jimin frowns before snatching it away from him and reading it.

I don't know what's going to happen. I don't know if we'll ever have the chance to be together or not, but hey, I love you so much that I wish we do, if that's what you really want.

Even if it makes me want to break shit up or punch someone in the face, I just want to see you happy because:


But I promised I would never run, so don't worry. And now I don't know how I'm gonna be able to keep my promise knowing I'll have to endure watching every day how you look at me with hatred after knowing the truth.

I've also promised a few times that I would never lie to you or keep things from you, but I hate to say that I've been keeping something from you.

It's about my identity as a con artist.

I know that you're aware now that I'm a con artist, and again I write this because I know that you won't have to read this ever and I hope that the evidence will tell you exactly what happened that day when you saved me because we've always known. And you deserve to know.

Shit, this is hard to write even knowing you're not going to read it, but here it goes: I was the one who killed the man that day when you rescued me. I killed both of them. I was there to take the money in the briefcase but somehow I was caught but YOU SAVED ME.

Jimin, when I met you, I was cold and emotionless. But when I saw how sweet you were to me, you gave me the courage to be strong for you. To pull myself out of the darkness. But the truth is that you're the strongest person I know, and YOU saved ME.

I really want to drop this freaking pen and knock on your door and shout that in your pretty face because you really don't have a clue about how deep this shit goes.

YOU SAVED ME. Not just saving me that night but you saved me from drowning deep into the black hole of my life. A million times more than I ever saved you, and you will never know it.

Lead from the heart. Let the feeling take over and crash against you. I know I wish I had the guts to do it.

Love you forever,
Your Sugar ;)

"Damn, she's good with words. She got me in the first half." Yoongi remarks while wiping his invisible tears. He looks at Jimin who is already crying silently.

Yoongi sighs and makes him sit on the couch. He throws the paper and buries his face into his hands letting his feelings out as muffled sobs.

"She played with me. I'm just like her other victims. She scammed me." Jimin says. Yoongi shakes his head. "A story has two sides: truth and lie. It's upto you, which one you want to believe it."

Jimin looks up at him with red eyes. "Who is the next target in the list that she found from me?"

"Richard Song. A painter." Yoongi says and Jimin nods.

Evil people understand that the world works against us. So it doesn't matter what we do. We have to survive by any means necessary. We have to fight and claw to take a tiny fraction of what fate denies us.

Jimin thought he could have 'love'. It was impossible from the start. His job doesn't want him to have love. He has never been given it, not from his father or mother, not from friends or lovers.

He gave up on love. He gave up on kindness, friendship, integrity, and mercy.

If all he can be all brutal, vicious, cruel, if that's what he's meant to be... then he'll be the most brutal. The most vicious. The most cruel.

In a way it's a relief.

He's tired of fighting it.

It's time to be who he really is.

"Let's go and catch Rose."

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